Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dan Hobbs, Formor International Gives Advice on how to Screw over Cardio Cocktail Customers and Distributors.

Seriously, a Letter from Dan Hobbs Formor International - Revival Specialist to ALL Formor International Distributors on how to Run Your Cardio Cocktail Scam.

Dan Hobbs - Pompous Ass Rants about Gripers and well pretty much slams the Cardio Cocktail Consumer, all the While Justifying Outrageous prices so that Formor International - Dan Hobbs, Michael Goss and Stanley Goss can get filthy rich from our hard work... and if the price difference is not enough to fill the Formor International mafia GREED, well they will FIRE you and Steal Your Entire Downline... NO Matter Who You are.

Dan Hobbs, Formor International Script to All Formor International Distributors to rip off Cardio Cocktail Consumers.

" Script for Talking to Distributors About the Cardio Cocktail Price Increase

Some background on the price increase. Where did it all begin?

About 17 months ago, ForMor lowered the price of Cardio Cocktail from $69.95, to $39.95 at
the request of the leaders in the Distributor force. Now, some leaders didn’t really agree, but
when the vote was made, it was pretty unanimous.

So, the company dropped the price and sales plummeted.

Paychecks, which are based on BV, also plummeted. In hindsight, I’d have to say that everyone came to this decision out of fear….because one little company had a lower price, we all made a very poor decision. It was a bad decision for distributors and company alike.

1. We lowered the perceived value of an incredible product, with a staggering amount of science behind it…to the same level as the jungle juice companies.

They are some of the biggest companies in the industry with nice-tasting juice with absolutely no science to warrant selling them for one penny more than orange juice costs.

Think about it:

(a) Cardio Cocktail has Nobel Prize winning science behind it’s main ingredient, l-arginine.

(b) There have been tens of thousands of studies and research papers done showing the positive benefits of l-arginine on the Cardio Vascular System.

(c) Nobel Laureate, Dr. Louis Ignarro wrote a book entitled “NO More Heart Disease” touting the incredible benefits of l-arginine.

(d) Dr. John Cooke, head of the Stanford Medical Center Cardio Vascular Unit wrote a book called “The Cardio Vascular CURE” promoting the power of l-arginine!

Cardio Cocktail is too valuable a product to have ever sold for $39.95 for a one-month
supply! Shame on us!

2. At the same time, we cut ForMor’s margin to a level that was below the amount
necessary to sustain long-term profitability. ForMor was betting sales would increase
dramatically because of the lower $39.95 price. That did not happen.

3. The third negative result of dropping the BV from 50 to 25BV was that Distributors
took a drastic cut in pay. Top Distributors had also believed the lower price would
stimulate much greater unit sales of Cardio Cocktail, offsetting the drop in BV. Again,
that did not happen.

When you cut commissions in half, good salespeople lose their incentive to sell. They
have to work twice as hard (sell twice as many bottles & sponsor twice as many people)
to make the exact same amount of money, that’s not freedom! Remember, ForMor did
not come up with the idea of cutting the price. That idea was initiated by distributors
who were afraid of losing more business to a lower price competitor.

In Cardio Cocktail, we have what may be the greatest product in all of network marketing history and 18 months ago we all decided cut the price to $39.95 a bottle.

That’s the same price range as all those “jungle fruit juices” that have absolutely no science whatsoever behind them! Cutting the price of Cardio Cocktail was a mistake.

In hindsight, all of our productive leaders agree.

So, where do we go from here?

There is one thing for sure…..this is a time for everyone to join together and pull in the same
direction! It’s a time for good leadership; not wimpyness or waffling; not griping or groaning.
It’s a time for being positive and pulling together in the same direction.

Change is a PAIN IN THE NECK....always. But, consider the alternative. ForMor and Cardio
Cocktail and our Distributors must survive and prosper!

They say the definition of insanity is: “To keep doing the same thing, the same way, yet
expecting a different result." Watching ForMor and its Distributors make less money each
month is not an option we can continue with.

Now, let me give you an example of insanity: “Leaving the price of Cardio Cocktail at $39.95.” That would be a decision to willingly go out of business. Totally insane!

Again, selling Cardio Cocktail at $39.95 created two problems:

1. Company profit too small to survive long-term

2. Distributor pay was cut in half by dropping the BV
(which de-motivated the sales force)

We will not continue like this!

Let me give you an exaggerated example of what is happening, so people will be able to see
the picture more clearly.

How would you like to buy a brand new $50,000 Mercedes Benz for only $5,000? Well, let’s say Mercedes actually decided to see how fast they could sell cars at $5,000!!!

Question: When Mercedes figures out that selling $50,000 cars for only $5,000 does not provide
enough money to stay in business…folks, would you get angry & think they were crazy for
raising the price back to the proper level? Of course not!

Question: So, which was the worst decision?
A. Lowering the price and jeopardizing their profitability? Or,
B. Raising the price to re-capture profitability & stay in business?

Certainly, lowering the price in the first place was the wrong decision. It’s especially easy to
come to that conclusion when we are talking about Mercedes….and not about ForMor!
The truth is, ForMor is facing the exact same situation.

Lowering the price was the wrong thing to do, and raising the price back up is the wisest course of action. No one is denying that raising the price of Cardio Cocktail may be a tough pill for some folks to swallow….but there can be absolutely no doubt about it being the wisest thing to do.

For those who don’t want to spend (or cannot afford) $69.95 per bottle…..we have a great
alternative. ARGENIX, the original 5gram/day, liquid l-arginine product, with great new taste,
l-citrulline, antioxidants and fulvic minerals is still available for $39.95/25BV per bottle!
There are those who are worried about our customers and how they will handle the price
increase. I am concerned about that too.

But, please listen to this, if we keep the price of Cardio Cocktail at $39.95, we will soon be out of business. That is not an option we will surrender to!

So, we must look to the future.

The future? Yes….and our future is bright!

This may come as a shock to those with tunnel vision, but over 98% of the population of the U.S.A. does not even know that Cardio Cocktail exists or that (for one crazy period of time) it once sold for $39.95 per bottle! Our unreached market is ENORMOUS!!!

When we tell that 98% that there are $300.00 worth of retail ingredients in Cardio Cocktail, but
they can buy it from ForMor for only $69.95 a bottle, plus shipping….they’re going to think it’s
a really great deal! That is, of course, unless YOU don’t think it’s a great deal. You are the
carrier of the message. Is your “glass half-empty, or is it half-full?” Half-full is great….but
having your glass overflowing is even better!

As we move forward and reach out to new prospects to build our businesses bigger and stronger than before, what will be the biggest objection to Cardio Cocktail ?

The biggest objection to any nutritional product is always PRICE. It doesn’t matter whether the
price is $9.95, $39.95, $69.95 or $99.95…price is always the biggest objection.

It’s important for us to realize though, that $69.95/bottle used to be the price of Cardio Cocktail.

It’s also important to realize that we sold almost 4 times as many bottles per month at $69.95 as
we currently sell at $39.95. So, it’s foolish to say that $69.95 is going to be a big problem!

When we were selling Cardio Cocktail for $65.00 to $69.95, our other big objections were:

(1)Bad Taste, (2) Diarrhea & tummy aches,
(3) Unpopular Sweeteners, (4) Dumpy Bottle and
(5) Plain Jane Labels.

Now, we’ll have the advantage of selling a new Cardio Cocktail that, tastes great, has a new
sweetening system, is in a great shaped bottle with beautiful labels, and if you take it according
to the instructions on the bottle, diarrhea and tummy aches will be things of the past! These are
all great big advantages!

In addition, many people cried out for a plug and play recruiting system. We now have one of
the finest in the industry!

Okay, but what if the $69.95 price is still the objection?

If you’re talking to a prospect and the $69.95 price is still the objection, you simply say, “Let me
show you how to get your product ‘free.’” We call it referral income.

We tell them that by simply referring other people who will use the products, they can pay for part, or all of their personal products!

During the past 18 months, part of our problem with selling that concept was that at $39.95,
people had to refer enough customers to buy 33 bottles @ 25BV to cover their cost of qualifying
($160.00) with 4 bottles of Cardio.

The good news is, that at $69.95, to cover the cost of qualifying with 2 bottles ($139.90), you
only have to find enough customers to purchase 15 bottles! It is much easier to find enough
people to buy 15 bottles, than to buy 33! Obtaining “free” product just got twice as easy!
Okay, but what if the prospect doesn’t want to refer other people?

In that case, we have another great product that still gives 5grams/day of l-arginine and is full of
anti-oxidants. It’s called ARGENIX !

Improved-Taste ARGENIX is also the answer for current customers who wish to cancel their
order of Cardio Cocktail because of the price increase.

Argenix is only $39.95 on Auto-Delivery and it contains:
5g/day L-Arginine………..L-Citruline
Antioxidants…………Fulvic Minerals
and it has a Great New Taste!

So, when trying to sell ARGENIX to a new prospect, how would you
incorporate the Application Fee into your presentation? This is a stumbling
block for many people.

What a great question! First, I need to say that to help our prospects see the value of becoming a
distributor and get them signed up easier, the Application Fee is being reduced to $10.00!
How’s that for good news?

When selling any ForMor product, ALWAYS start with the RETAIL PRICE! Beginning with
the Retail Price allows you to be a HERO when you drop the price and give the prospect a
BREAK by becoming a Distributor to buy at WHOLESALE!

Here’s what you say:

Mr. Prospect, buying ARGENIX at the $59.95 Retail Price is a real bargain. But if you
become a Distributor and pay a $10.00 Application Fee, then you qualify to buy on autodelivery,
paying only $39.95/bottle for ARGENIX. That’s a savings of $20/bottle….and
the Application Fee is more than saved back when you buy your very 1st bottle!�

Auto-Qualifying Distributors at Highest Past Rank Level:

In addition to earning twice as much commission on every customer and distributor who
continues to buy Cardio Cocktail ….

In addition to only needing to sponsor half as many people to achieve any financial goal that you

ForMor is going to auto-Qualify every Distributor who meets their personal Qualification of
100BV, during the months of January, February and March of 2010.

Distributors will be auto-Qualified at the highest Rank Level they EVER achieved in the New
Millennium Comp Plan.

That is, if you’re now a Ruby, and you were once a Diamond, you will auto-Qualified and paid
at the Diamond Rank Level, as long as you meet your 100BV personal requirement during Jan.,
Feb., and March.

Can see how this is going to be a really positive transition for those Distributors who get on
the ball and start promoting this change?

The Importance of Strong Leadership in Tough Times:
Truly, how well these changes go over is all about leadership. If you provide strong leadership
to your team, the changes will result in a big increase in pay. If you provide weak leadership,
you may be in trouble!

It is said that there are 3 groups of people: (1) Leaders, (2) Followers and (3) Gripers.
Leaders Lead….that's what God made them to do.

They are a SMALL percentage of the population. Leaders see the vision and point the way for others. Leaders have a depth of courage that is not found in the other two groups.

Followers Follow…that's what God made them to do.

They are a HUGE percentage of the population. Followers are the wonderful folks who make up the vast majority, and are the backbone of every organization.

They follow Leaders whose vision is big enough. Followers look for leaders who clearly see the vision and can point the way for them. Followers draw their motivation and courage from their relationships with strong leaders and other motivated team-players.

Gripers Gripe…that's what they do….and God didn’t have nothin’ to do with it! To Gripers,
there’s only one kind of news…..and it’s all bad!

Fortunately, Gripers are only a SMALL percentage of the population….but they sure do make a lot of noise!!!!

Gripers see the vision too, but it’s not attainable to them because they exaggerating the significance of EVERY obstacle they see. What they succeed at, for the most part, is distracting, confusing and depressing people who would otherwise be good Followers. It is the Griper’s ability to sway Followers that often makes us confuse them with Leaders.

So, to build an effective, growing organization, this should be our “bottom line” when it
comes to dealing with Leaders, Followers and Gripers:

- If you’re qualified to lead…great!
- If you want to follow…terrific!
- But, if all you want to do is GRIPE….shut up & get out of the way!

Gripers are the destroyers, they are the cancers, of every organization. Identify them;
correct them; or cut them out of the organization if they will not stop spreading negativity.
Let’s face it: Change can be traumatic.

Even good Leaders and good Followers may react negatively when changes first. It's to be expected. But as leaders see the logic in the changes, as they look at the “bigger picture,” they rise up, point the way and lead people toward the greater good.

ForMor stands for many good things and it must continue to survive! That means ForMor must change. Albert Einstein said: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

It is so important that we, as leaders, come to grips with this fundamental truth. Leadership is never easy, because when you strive to lead people to higher ground, you represent the courage that other people do not have. Those people who are controlled by fear, always scream the loudest when confronted with change or any kind of challenge.

As Leaders, we must have the courage that others do not's the most basic part of our job

We must help others see things from the proper perspective and “help them put the
shoe on the right foot.” The ability to do these things makes us worthy to lead.

By adjusting prices, ForMor made a good, but very tough decision that:
-will allow it to be profitable
-will allow it to continue providing life-changing products, and
-will re-establish a worthy value on the greatest nutritional product available today
-will allow distributors to earn the kind of money that our efforts deserve!
All of this will happen… long as we give this decision our support.
In Closing:

As the famous World War II hero, General George S. Patton once said:
"You must be single-minded. Make a decision, and drive for that one thing on
which you have decided."

On January 1st, the prices will be raised so ForMor and its Distributors can not only survive, but prosper.

That’s what [LIVE.FREE] is all about! I will not be "wishy-washy" and have my spirit brought down by those who have a gripe, but no vision. I can still love them. They can still be my friends. They can join me if they wish, or leave if they choose. But they cannot steal my vision for success."

Well there You Have It General Dan Hobbs from the Formor International Mafai has Spoken NOW you Followers DO as GOD intended and Sit Down and Shut up and FOLLOW..
Live Free - WHAT?
Formor International fires top distributors for NO Reason.

Formor International Steals your Money and your Entire Downline.

Formor International lies to their Formor International Distributors Constantly.

Formor International is Corrupt. Dan Hobbs and Michael Goss Constantly Lie, Cheat and Steal and do it in the Name of God.. WHAT?

Source of Above Joke: Dan Hobbs Directly to Formor International Distributors

More on my Thoughts on this Cardio Cocktail Scam, this Bull and Flat Out Lies sent out by in another post at .

Dan Hobbs is a Real Ass and this Letter to Formor International Cardio Cocktail Distributors shows just what kind of Cruel, Heartless, Greedy, Arrogant Ass that Dan Hobbs Formor International really is..

Crystal L. Cox
Ex-Formor International Distributor
Now Good Life International Distributor ( My Blog on a Higher Quality, Cheaper Liquid Arginine Supplement - with Good Life International a Company who actually has integrity.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Anyone Wanting to Shut Down Whistleblowers Has Something to Hide - We Demand Transparency and Truth. Sarah Palin on Wiki Leaks.

TRUTH is Terrorism ? TRUTH is Anti-American?
Truth is Criminal?

"Shut down the Whistle-Blowing Website Permanently." Says Sarah Palin.
Hunt the Founder Down, and We are a Free Nation? I Don't Think So. We The People have a Right to ALL the Facts and Information.

Didn't We have a Right To Know that there were NO Weapons of Mass Destruction before we entered into a war that was all about Power, Greed, Money, Oil and Games. That Whistle blower that Worked for the CIA came forward .. how many years later and the Movie just out about it, "Fair Game" was excellent.

Valerie Plame, CIA Agent, in a Stand By Your Man, Stand By Your Nation... BOLD Whistleblower move, she gave us - We the People - Information that SHOULD make every one of us stop in our tracks and question everything..

And Sarah Palin wants to
hunt down the Wiki Leaks Founder for telling us information that We as a Nations Have a RIGHT to know. Those Documents "Leaking" is Fate, is Destiny and the Wiki Leaks Founder is Someone My Whistleblower Media Network is Most Definately in Support of.

Whistleblowers are Set Up, Harassed, Killed, Put in Mental Institutes, Financially Ruined, Children Taken and Life Changed forever ALL because they TOLD us the TRUTH.

ONE Whistleblower changed the world, and we have a right to know what the TRUTH is. And if we Tell the TRUTH Sarah Palin will Have us Hunted Down ??? Does This Sound Like you Live in a Free Country.

Did you Watch the Dixie Chicks Documentary, they were financially ruined for a while, they had death threats, boycotts. labeled non-American and all kinds of life changing and quality of life ruining attacks andTHEY WERE RIGHT... years later most of the Nation came to think the same way.. and why Did most of you Change your Mind on "Bush" and the "War" - well because YOU started Getting the Facts, the Truth That Could NOT be Denied. The Truth that you as a Supposedly Free People have a Right TO.

Wiki Leaks, and Sites Like it is Your Right. Whistle blowers NEED our Protections. The Truth Should Not Be Criminal. Why do they fight so hard to hide the INFORMATION from you the Public. Do they want to control you and keep you down or do they think you are to Dumb to Handle the information.

My Mission with My Whistleblower Media Network and Investigative Blogger Association is to Protect and Give Voice to Whistleblowers World Wide, and when they Suppress the Internet, well Folks you will already have the Truth and What you Do with it is Your Call.

Sarah Palin Does not Want you To Know the TRUTH... You Know Darn Well Who She Works for.. and what that means to your True Freedom... Wiki Leaks Anti-American, Blood on His Hand for Telling us the TRUTH ??? When their Lies have killed so many of our men and women.. and for What?

Do We even have the Facts on ALL that yet.. ? Well Watch the Movie Fair Game, and No we DID not have the Facts and the BLOOD of Our People is ON THEIR anti-American Hands NOT on the One who TURNS the Light on in the ROOM where the Evil Was Going on in the Dark LONG Before the Whistle Blower flipped on the Light and Exposed the LIE to the TRUTH..

The Truth is the Truth and You have a Right to IT. ..

I Fully Support Julian Assange and Wiki Leaks
and YOUR Right TO KNOW..

Here is the Article

"Julian Assange was branded “an anti-American operative with blood on his hands” by the prominent Republican, who asked why he has not yet been caught by the authorities.

She accused the Obama administration of “incompetence” and a “strange lack of urgency” in not stopping the release of 250,000 leaked diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks, given that it had already published sensitive information about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The former Governor of Alaska and vice-presidential nominee suggested that “cyber tools” should be used to shut down the whistle-blowing website permanently. It has twice been the subject of targeted attacks by hackers to bring it offline this week.

Mr Assange, a 39 year-old Australian former computer hacker who set up WikiLeaks in 2006, has kept out of public view since the release of the first leaked American diplomatic cables on Sunday. He has denied he has blood on his hands. Mr Assange is the subject of an international arrest warrant over allegations of rape in Sweden.

Writing on her Facebook page on Monday, Mrs Palin questioned why the US authorities were not looking for him in the same way that it had hunted suspected terrorists.

“The latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization calledWikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.

“First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing thishighly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months?

He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders?”

She went on: “What if any diplomatic pressure was brought to bear on NATO, EU, and other allies to disruptWikileaks’ technical infrastructure? Did we use all the cyber tools at our disposal to permanently dismantle Wikileaks? Were individuals working for Wikileaks on these document leaks investigated?Shouldn’t they at least have had their financial assets frozen just as we do to individuals who provide material support for terrorist organizations?”

Mrs Palin, who is tipped to run for President in 2012, also said that “serious questions” had to be asked about how the “highly sensitive” memos from diplomats and intelligence officers could have been uploaded onto a computer memory stick and given to WikiLeaks from a supposedly secure US defence department network known as Siprnet. The prime suspect is Bradley Manning, a young private in the US Army who is now being held ahead of a court-martial.

Mrs Palin asked why the White House had not issued orders to tighten security back in July, when WikiLeaksreleased thousands of classified military documents on Afghanistan.

“What explains this strange lack of urgency on their part?”

Mrs Palin concluded: “We are at War. American soldiers are in Afghanistan fighting to protect our freedoms. They are serious about keeping America safe. It would be great if they could count on their government being equally serious about that vital task.”

Rick Santorum, another prominent conservative, agreed with her, saying: “We haven't gone after this guy, we haven't tried to prosecute him, we haven't gotten our allies to go out and lock this guy up and bring him up on terrorism charges.”

The Obama administration has said that it “deeply regrets” the leaking of the embarrassing cables that have disclosed exactly what American diplomats think of foreign leaders and promised to take “aggressive steps” against those who “stole” them. "

Source of Article in Post

You have a Right to All the Facts...

Crystal L. Cox

Industry Whistleblower
Investigative Blogger

Friday, December 10, 2010

Stroz Friedberg LLC Googling "Crystal Cox Harbinger Posts" and Other Really DUMB Stuff..

So Did Harbinger Capital Partners Hire Stroz Friedberg LLC To Do Computer Forensics Investigations and Electronic Discovery on Little Ol' Me? How Flattering.

And if Harbinger Capital Partners did not Hire Stroz Friedberg LLC then who Did and What is their Motive?

New York - Stroz Friedberg LLC

"Crystal L.Cox" "Harbinger" Would be Way Better Then Crystal Cox Harbinger Posts - Do you Guys need me to Show you how to Search Google?

Stroz Friedberg LLC is a company that claims - "A computer forensics, computer investigations, expert witness and electronic discovery technical services firm." Blah .. Blah.. Blah..

FYI Super Duper Computer Forensics Investigations and Electronic Discovery Technical Services Firm, the word "Posts" is NOT a Search TERM relevant to looking for what I am Writing on Harbinger Capital Partners.. "DOEY"

Another Term the Dumb Asses at Stroz Friedberg LLC Google is "harbinger googled by" - OMG I hope that Harbinger Capital Partners or anyone else in their right mind is NOT actually paying Stroz Friedberg LLC to do this seriously BAD Job at Computer Forensics Investigations and Electronic Discovery - Seriously "googled by" are you kidding.. this is What Your Going With.. ???

And Dumb Gets DUMBER...

Stroz Friedberg LLC searched for "Crystal Cox Harbinger stroz friedberg posts" - CLUELESS not a way to find What I post on you.. matter of fact, that would be kind of a really "DUMB" way to figure out what I am saying about you. .

This one is Getting Better, Kudos
Stroz Friedberg LLC Searches for
"crystal l. cox stroz friedberg"

Oh Darn, I was Rooting for Stroz Friedberg LLC too but this is Pretty Damn Dumb
Stroz Friedberg LLC searches " stroz friedberg"
Why don't you tell the "Bad Guy"
where all the LOOT IS.. you Fumbling IDIOTS..

So did "Katie Murphy" of Harbinger Capital Partners hire Stroz Friedberg LLC -Maybe Stroz Friedberg LLC wants to file a Defamation Lawsuit Against Me.

Well if it's a Defamation "Discovery" Case you are Preparing for "Bring It" and make sure you do all your homework, I started Exposing Curtis Lu the Lightsquared General Counsel a Long time ago, and that led to Harbinger Capital Partner - and Well I posted TRUTH.

Curtis LU general counsel of Lightsquared was formerly the General Counsel at Time Warner and Curtis LU hit a Massive Shareholder Fraud over the Technology Theft of the iViewit Technologies Invention. Where by Time Warner Inc. Had Executed contracts, over a Decade ago and owes BILLIONS on Top of Billions to the Iviewit Inventors and they have NEVER disclosed this to the Time Warner Inc. , Warner Bros or AOL shareholders and there are over 1200 Documents of proof ( www.Iviewit.TV )

I post the Truth in Defense of Eliot Bernstein and the iViewit inventors, next thing I know Kathleen Murphy - VP at Harbinger Capital Partners emails me this...

"Are you kidding me? Get a life... :) blogger? Thats impressive and value added."

What Happened after That is for another Post another Day..

Maybe your all upset at me Calling "Katie Murphy" of Harbinger Capital Partners a Bitch. Well her 7 am email to me was pretty "Bitchy" - and Bitch is Kind of an "Opinion" based on her

"Are you kidding me? Get a life... :) blogger? Thats impressive and value added."

yep Bitch Works for Me..

My Job is NOT about ADDING Value to YOUR Job. My Job is Exposing Corruption, Finding Fact, Posting Whistleblower Stories and Speaking Out for - Promoting Victims from the Massive Wall of Corruption that they are Up against.

And I don't really care if Big Shot Bitch
"Katie Murphy" of Harbinger Capital Partners thinks its "Impressive" or "Value Added" and telling me to Get A life.. hmm . Yep bitch. . Still going with that one..

.. Back to the Real Dumb Asses of this Post

Stroz Friedberg LLC - YOU seriously suck at Computer Forensics Investigations and Electronic Discovery - any Court Case Using Stroz Friedberg LLC as an "Expert Witness" - well they have no clue how to really turn up the TRUTH, they have no idea what to REALLY Google or how to search online for TRUTH, Fact or REAL information.

Stroz Friedberg LLC SUCKS bigtime.

If you Hire Stroz Friedberg LLC for Computer Forensics Investigations and Electronic Discovery - well the "Bad Guy" will know in minutes cuz, uh.. Stroz Friedberg LLC has no clue on REAL Internet "Investigations from the Looks of my Stat Counter Today... Clueless, Incompetent.. I mean come on Leading a Hillbilly - Mad Dog Blogger like me who needs to GET A LIFE according to "Katie Murphy" of Harbinger Capital Partner, leading little Ol' me to all this information and MORE just by being HORRIBLE at Forensics on the Internet.. and Leading me to ALL the things I should not UH be UH knowing.. ..

This Kind of Jack Ass "Investigations" can Get your clients in HOT Water.. You Suck at this and HAD better STOP NOW and Get your Act Straight before you endanger the life and livliehood of your clients by exposing something that Should not be EXPOSED because you are too IGNORANT to really GET the art of Computer Forensics Investigations and Electronic Discovery.

Few More Tidbits on Stroz Friedberg LLC and their GIANT Trail of Crumbs to Lead me to places they SHOULD not be leading me.. - Wake Up. .and STOP Lying about Being Experts at Computer Forensics Investigations and Electronic Discovery CUZ you Really SUCK at it.

Whatcha Do for Corpedia their SUPER Sleuth?

Stroz Friedberg LLC researching iViewit Technology Links, Why?

Look at this -
Digital Forensics - Investigations.. and Yada, Yada - to look at the website of Stroz Friedberg LLC you may actually think there are some Brains over there, however they are seriously bad at their job and have STEPPED in Blogger Scat, that their little Stroz Friedberg LLC Googliers will not soon forget..

Stroz Friedberg LLC - Have you Heard the Expression "Dumber then a Box of Rocks" well Stroz Friedberg LLC is even Dumber then that.. I can't wait for ALL my "Subjects" to HIRE them.. ..

I will Post their.. Big Giant Fumbling Foot Print Stats at a Later Date.. for Now I am Gathering Computer Forensics and Electronic Discover to Pants the Special Investigative Team at Stroz Friedberg LLC.

Look at this Bio -
"Joseph P. Dooley | Managing Director
Joseph P. Dooley is Managing Director in Stroz Friedberg’s Business Intelligence & Investigations division, where he leads the firm’s forensic accounting practice. In that capacity, he leads internal investigations into FCPA, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Money-Laundering, Embezzlement, Trading with the Enemy, Securities Fraud, and other investigations that require a combination of accounting prowess, investigative skill in examining books and records, money and asset-tracing proficiency, and witness interviewing prowess. Mr. Dooley’s extensive experience as a CPA, an FBI agent, and a Big Four forensic accounting expert, make him an effective investigator, witness, and presenter, as he has delivered the results of his investigations on numerous occasions to CEOs, boards of directors, regulators, and grand and petit juries. "

Are You Kidding, Ex FBI - well NOT good at hiding that for sure.. Does Look Like a Great Candidate to INVESTIGATE the Criminal Activity of Curtis Lu Lightsquared General Counsel Though..

... ~ Stay Tuned ... It Gets Sooooo much better
can you Hardly wait to Hang on My Every Word..
oh and Tons More Poking Fun on the inCompetence of XXX Coming SOON

.. as I Discover SO much more about Stroz Friedberg LLC and as Stroz Friedberg LLC leaves BIG GIANT FOOT Foot Prints to show all their SECRETS.

Posted here By
Mad Dog Blogger
Investigative Blogger
Industry Whistleblower
Forensics Blogger
Super DUPER Crystal L. Cox

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why did Goldman Sachs Really PULL their Money From Lightsquared and who is Kathleen Murphy of Harbinger Capital Partners?

Kathleen K. Murphy is Senior Vice President & Product Specialist at Harbinger Capital Partners.

Kathleen K. Murphy joined Harbinger Capital Partners in April 2005 as Portfolio Strategist.

Previously, Kathleen K. Murphy was a Vice President at Goldman Sachs where she served as the High Yield Strategist. So doesn't this make Kathleen Murphy right in the thick of it for bankruptcies, money schemes and investor fraud that was going on at goldman sachs ?

More on Goldman Sachs Corruption -

And doesn't this make Kathleen K. Murphy in a prime position for knowledge of the "Sub Prime Mortgage Industry" and related billions.

So what role did Kathleen K. Murphy really play at Goldman Sachs during all this Big Money, screw over investors - Home Owners and well.. what role did Kathleen K. Murphyformerly of Goldman Sachs have in the Secondary Mortgage Market - the Subprime Mortgages Market?

Who did Philip Falcone work with to invest the RIGHT Way in the Subprime Mortgages Market? The mortgage industry was targeting real estate victims in mass and lying hand over fist, folks like Goldman Sachs knew this and kept taking money. The Lenders and SubprimeMortgages Market big wigs planned their exit, and of course their bailout... however homeowners - real estate victims still pay the price of this deliberate Mass Predatory Lending Fraud.

As a Real Estate Broker owner for over a decade I had a front row seat as NAR was lying to consumers and money was easy... Appraisals were Not Accurate, MLS Data was not polices and surely a VP at Goldman Sachs would see it all coming... did Kathleen K. Murphy know PhilipFalcone when this Goldman Sachs VP ? How did she get the Job She has now? Which is VP at Harbinger and Woman in Charge of Sassing Bloggers who trash talk Corrupt Attorneys LikeCurtis Lu of Lightsquared.

And How Did Philip Falcone come to Hire Kathleen Murphy?

"Philip Falcone, the hedge fund manager who made a fortune betting against subprimemortgages in 2007"

Kathleen K. Murphy started working at Harbinger Capital Partners in 2005 and I Say she brought secret industry knowledge of the Subprime Mortgages Market from her prior jobs at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse.

I have started writings on how smart Philip Falcone was to bet against the Mortgage industry. As a real estate industry whistleblower I certainly would have done the same had I that kind of money to invest. Thing is did Philip Falcone think of this on his own? Or did Kathleen Murphyformerly of Goldman Sachs and a Former Associate at Credit Suisse give some inside information to Harbinger Capital Partners? I mean Harbinger Capital Partners must have to keep Kathleen K. Murphy as VP for some reason.. maybe she knows too much.

I spoke with Philip Falcone on thinking that Goldman Sachs was in bed with Verizon and that was why Goldman Sachs pulled their money from Lightsquared and in such a media blitz way, for I felt it was to suppress Lightsquared and keep them from Topping Verizon. But maybePhilip Falcone wants Verizon, Goldman Sachs or maybe even AT&T to buy Lightsquared and maybe he has no intention of seeing it fully Develop. Maybe the Goldman Sachs thing is a ruse behind a ruse.

Maybe Goldman Sachs want investors to believe they pulled 120 Million from Harbinger but really there is more then meets the eye?

It seems to me now after the last month that Philip Falcone may be a bit naive as to the Extreme Corruption and Greed in the playing field he is in. So he is either a very good game player, or really is clueless on what these companies are capable of Politically and Financially in the big picture. And if Naive then how did Philip Falcone and Harbinger Capital Partners come to invest in a Market that no one else was backing and Harbinger Capital Partners happen to have an Ex VP of Goldman Sachs who would know about the collapse ... for it was kind of REALLY known by the Big Boys and they covered their asses good while homeowner are still losing. Well I Say that Kathleen K. Murphy's connection to Goldman Sach and Credit Suisse is what put the Bug inPhilip Falcones Ear for Making Billions on Top of Billions in a Market that seemingly no "Portfolio Strategist" or "INVESTMENT ANALYST" was investing in.

More Coming Soon on Harbinger Capital Partners as they sit on my blog all day and google"Crystal Cox Harbinger" to see what I will say next, meanwhile knowing they had Secretly Controlled my flow of information with lack of follow through on stated words, details of that coming soon. With emails, Voice Mails, Lack of Follow Through and Empty Promises that I now believe to be something to stall me for some reason.. that story coming soon.. to This Blog..

So Prior to joining Goldman Sachs, Kathleen K. Murphy was an Associate at Credit SuisseFirst Boston (CSFB) in the high yield research group, where she performed high yield portfolio analysis, oversaw the CSFB high yield indices and evaluated cable and media issuers.

So Kathleen K. Murphy had inside information in this market from many angles before she took her VP job at Harbinger Capital Partners in April 2005 as Portfolio Strategist. Don't think for a minute that Kathleen K. Murphy did not bring proprietary information to the table at her new job ... as Portfolio Strategist for Harbinger Capital Partners. How could she resist? I bet there is a money trail and secrets trail very long in the career of Kathleen K. Murphy.

What Does "evaluated cable and media issuers" Exactly mean?

I can assume that Kathleen K. Murphy was not really a "handler" or a "negotiator" of people because she sure does suck at people skills or getting media attention for Harbinger Capital Partners, and LightSquared in a Positive way.

On Nov. 7th - Kathleen K. Murphy emailed me this subject line and nothing else

"Are you kidding me? Get a life... :) blogger?
Thats impressive and value added.

a few Minutes late she sends an Email from Kathleen K. Murphy titled "Top 25 Most Powerful People in U.S. Wireless 2010/From Fierce Wireless" and with this was a Whole bunch of easily found stories on Philip Falcone and how great he was / is. The email also had a Google Alert for Harbinger, as If I never would have thought of that. and the emails was from
Kathleen Murphy
Harbinger Capital Partners

Yet it Came from Philip Falcone's Email ( I have the Original should anyone care)

Kathleen K. Murphy, I am told " is no part of PR at Harbinger" and I should not speak to her about such things, however Kathleen Murphy using Philip Falcones email account emailed me a Snotty Gram and then a Huge Email on Postive PR On Philip Falcone. What Happened Next Coming Soon..

As I am unsure if Philip Falcone new that Kathleen Murphy Senior Vice President Harbinger Capital Partners had emailed me a Snotty Message.

From the Bio of Kathleen K. Murphy it sounds like Katy Murphy has been in the "High Finance" industry for quite some time. You would think she would, at this point in her career have a better way of dealing with "media" then to simply send a Snotty Subject Line to a Blogger and think that will do anything but inspire that Blog to Get the Real Down and Dirty Scoop on Her.

Maybe Kathleen K. Murphy of Harbinger Capitals should have used her Big Girl Words and told me what she really wanted or really had in mind instead of just jibberish and links to what others had to say is if I was desperate for someone as smart as her to GOOGLE "Philip Falcone" for me and send me I would be sure to find them.

Surely I am not as Worthy and Smart as Kathleen K. Murphy, Harbinger Capital Partners"Portfolio Strategist" turned Harbinger Capital Partners Senior Vice President & Product Specialist with "Special Projects" having nothing to do with "PR"....

I say "Katy" has Secrets. I say that Kathleen K. Murphy has skeletons in her closet that spans decades and I intend to find Every single one of them. .. the Truth often in the Tiniest of Details.

I would be so Boldly as to say that Kathleen Murphy of Harbinger Capital Partners is a Cold Hearted Bitch... try that one on for size.. Or how about an Arrogant, Look Down Upon, Pompous, ... well I will have to come up with more tomm. but you get the point.. She sent a nasty subject line only email and then a condescending email and no words that actually made sense and yet she is a VP of a Multi-Billion Dollar Company... certainly she is only there for favors owed to her or secrets that she knows because she sure did mess this up.. Stepping in Blogger Scat .. that she surely did accomplish..

If you have a Tip on Kathleen K. Murphy at Goldman Sachs,
Harbinger Capital Partners, or Credit Suisse email your
Kathleen Murphy Tip to Me
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It Really Does Seem that TRUTH is Treason - But Why? Kevin Hayden on Federal Reserve, Marshall Law and A Few other Things.

" Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 17:48:07 -0700

Kevin Hayden

Truth is Treason
We have all watched in predicted horror as the financial infrastructure of America has been disassembled in a predetermined fashion by the likes of Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve and other Globalists. There are a variety of reasons why this is happening, none of which we have the power to change or alter in time to save us. Therefore, I will focus on what is to come and how we might handle it in order to survive it.

With the Federal Reserve actually suggesting that inflation might be the cure to the weak economy, massive unemployment numbers and a crashing dollar, one has to stop and ponder. The chairman of the Fed, Ben Bernanke, was a child prodigy, scored a near perfect SAT score, focused his studies around the Great Depression and is a statistical genius. So why is he so willing to abuse the Dollar and essentially sign the death warrant for America?

For several years, many prominent people have been predicting this exact scenario. Gerald Celente, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff and others including the Web Bots Project, have detailed how this orchestrated financial implosion will occur. Many of these “predictions” or trends analysis are from late 2009 or early 2010. Most, if not all, are eerily starting to come true.

Bob Chapman
First 6 months of 2010, Americans will continue to live in the ‘unreality’…the period between July and October is when the financial fireworks will begin. The Fed will act unilaterally for its own survival irrespective of any political implications. In the last quarter of the year we could even see Martial law, which is more likely for the first 6 months of 2011. Wall Street believes there is a 100% chance of crash in bond market, especially municipals sometime during 2010. The dollar will be devalued by the end of 2010.

Have projected that the third and final stage of the economic collapse will begin sometime in 2010. Barring some kind of financial miracle, or the complete dissolution of the Federal Reserve, a snowballing implosion should become visible by the end of this year. The behavior of the Fed, along with that of the IMF seems to suggest that they are preparing for a focused collapse, peaking within weeks or months instead of years, and the most certain fall of the dollar.

July and onward things get very strange. Revolution. Dollar dead by November 2010.
The sad fact is that many of the people currently in power are globalists or a minion thereof. Timothy Geithner, Paul Volcker, Henry Paulson … these people hold some of the most powerful positions in the world but they’re not Presidents or Heads of State. They’re not royalty. No.

They are, however, the ones who control the money and financial policy of the United States of America.

“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws.”

Baron M.A. Rothschild

Orchestrated Meltdown & the Tea Party
By controlling the flow and direction of money, they are free to do as they please. A simple “divide and conquer” masquerade is offered for the peasants to consume and become distracted by. Every week, a new diversion is offered – President Obama’s birth certificate, Republican vs. Democrat, Dancing with the Stars, Christine O’Donnell is a witch or Lindsey Lohan enters drug rehab yet again.

The current “Tea Party” is a prime example of this divide & conquer attempt. It should be noted, the Republican tea parties and the original Campaign for Liberty are nothing alike. In 2007 and 2008, Ron Paul followers began a massive grassroots movement which spread like a wildfire across angry voters on both sides of the aisle. Liberals and Conservatives stood next to each other while greeting Moderates and Extremists.

Many apathetic, disillusioned voters were so moved by the passionate speeches of Ron Paul that they began to become heavily involved in politics. An attempt to Audit the Fed was a centerpiece, knowing that the Federal Reserve is one of the “men behind the green curtain.” An unprecedented partnership was formed across the spectrum and the movement grew loud, demanding accountability, transparency, more freedom and an end to the current wars.

Fearing the worst, agents of the globalist banking cartel went into action. As Rahm Emanuel, the White House spokesman, said, “You can’t let a good crisis go to waste….a crisis allows you to do things you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do.” (Such as the Patriot Act and occupying multiple countries?)

They moved their diversion tactics into high gear, with commentators on MSNBC and FOX appealing for patriotic “tea parties” across the country to unite against the banking bailout and stimulus package offered by Obama. They did this knowing that no amount of ranting and raving by citizens would change anything and they could be left in peace to continue the takeover while the peasants waved signs and yelled at Congress.

In order for this takeover to succeed, they had to first destabilize any real resistance. They immediately began shifting Ron Paul into the fringe category, denied him access to the primary debates and waged classic gestapo-like warfare on the citizens who were starting to wake up. The Southern Poverty Law Center, who now partially operates under the auspice of the Department of Homeland Security, began to demonize so-called Patriots and Constitutionalists. They needed to make sure that the wave of Ron Paul supporters – the ones who were awake and aware of who the enemy truly was – could be silenced or ignored.

They began to label Constitutionalists and Libertarians as “extremists” and categorized them as violent militia members. This attempt went so far as to have the Missouri Intelligence Center issue a report clearly stating that vehicles displaying a Ron Paul sticker or supporters of Bob Barr, Barry Goldwater and others should be approached with caution during traffic stops, propping up the fear mongering in the law enforcement world where it could be put to good use by obediant police officers.

They knew these patriots, along with many 2nd amendment activists, disgruntled military veterans and Libertarians would be the first to resist. And so they had to run a few headlines on the mainstream media in order to encourage moderates not to listen to them or join their ranks.

Groups such as ‘FreedomWorks’ and the Tea Party Express began popping up all over the radar. These were self-described groups of Tea Partiers but failed to have any ties to Ron Paul or the initial liberty movement. In fact, many of those attending the rallies were George Bush loyalists, classic war-mongering Neocons and Corporate Republicans railing against the man.

It quickly became apparent that these groups were funded and started by shady, wealthy individuals with a political agenda who sought to capitalize on the growing movement with no respect to it’s origins.

The groups began propping up the likes of Sarah Palin as their mascot and focused on minor, trivial issues at rallies across the country.

They offer stereotypical sound bytes for mass media consumption and stagnate the political process with rhetoric about the welfare state, immigration and Obama. The real enemies are now left to their own devices on Wall Street as the peasants fight among themselves over religion, gay marriage and what Arab country should be invaded next.

This has been my own experience at a recent gun show and several tea party rallies. Everyone I talked to said the same things, “That socialist Obama is wrecking the economy and the illegal immigrants are going to bankrupt us! We need to throw the Democrats out of Congress and take over so we can make real change!”

This was literally the same thing that over a dozen “patriots” said to me, completely oblivious to the fact that while illegal immigration is a major problem and does cost a lot of money, it is a penny in the bucket compared to what Wall Street and the multi-national corporations are doing to us. They fail to realize that the banking cartel owns both the Republicans and Democrats. The globalists own the media, the newspapers, the “fair and balanced” talk shows and more

Glenn Beck said it best, “I could give a flying crap about the political process.” Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage. “We’re an entertainment company,” Beck says.

Carroll Quigley
, the unofficial historian for the Globalists and Elites, said in his book Tragedy and Hope, “The two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.” It should be no surprise to anyone, of course, that during his tenure as a professor at Georgetown in the 1960′s, Quigley became the mentor to a young

Bill Clinton.
So as more and more voters flock to these false tea party affiliate groups, their “voter angst” is quickly satiated by the waving of a Gadsden flag and yelling some coin-phrase about Socialism, all the while, no real harm has come to the establishment and Wall Street. The Globalists are free to sit back and laugh at the serfs as they complete their exit strategy, pilfering every last cent they can muster.

To use an analogy; we’re all on the Titanic with the White House at the helm of the ship. The Globalists and banking cartel know there is an iceberg ahead – in fact, they placed it directly in our path in order to speed up the sinking process while they continued to sell worthless tickets to the life rafts. Obama, like so many Presidents before him, was promised a VIP seat in the executive’s life boat.

But being used by the elites doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. No, in fact, he happily sold his soul in order to be the first black President and make history. I suppose we all have our price. (There is also a long, sordid past involving his mother working for multiple CIA front organizations ((micro-financing, accounting, loans, etc)) and meeting his biological father in a Russian speaking class at the University of Hawaii…but that’s for another time and another article.)

Martial Law & Executive Orders
As the bond markets quickly sour and the market tries desperately to maintain it’s hold, many foreign countries are already making their exit plans from the dollar and when this happens en masse, you will hear the American Economy and our way of life take it’s final breath. It will very quickly lead us to a complete and utter shattering of the US Dollar.

Inflation, offered by the Federal Reserve as a solution, will rage out of control. The bond market, already suffering severely, will be the final death blow from the multiple bubbles of the past 10 years – including the housing market, the derivatives schemes, the out of control spending on illegal wars and the never-ending military-industrial-intelligence community.

As the engineered crisis swings into full global financial meltdown, we enter the classic Hegelian Dialectic method of ‘Problem, Reaction, Solution.’

Allow me to explain – The Globalists and elites have an agenda. They already know how they want this to end, as with any engineered crisis. Recall what Rahm Emaneul said about exploiting a crisis and it will start to unfold.

The Powers That Be create or exploit a problem, blaming it on others. The citizens react, asking government to fix their problems, even if it means giving up certain rights or liberties. The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis.

And that solution is total control and domination. An increased military-police-state. A cashless, unarmed society full of GMO food and mercury-laden vaccines. Half a billion citizens dependant on the government for the next day’s meal. We are entering 1984. But first, the birthing pains of the new erathe New World Order.

In order to achieve this, a rock-bottom effect has to unravel and the crashing of the US Dollar is the perfect key. When the bond market goes, it will take municipal bonds and pensions with it. Cities will no longer be able to employ enough workers to maintain itself. Inflation will make food, gasoline and other tangibles too expensive for the common peasant and riots will start. In order to maintain their control and show force, the government will begin deploying the military into the hardest hit cities in a support role, handling more and more of the infrastructure and traditional police duties. The ability to do this has been laid out in carefully crafted Presidential Executive Orders.

Troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are now being trained in domestic law enforcement and how to handle civil unrest, including active combat brigades on “homeland patrol.” Imagine this scenario unfolding while the White House has the following powers:

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 – allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 – allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 – allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 – allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 – allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 – allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 – allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 – designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 – allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 – allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 – allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 – specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA’s Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA’s role as a “new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis.” FEMA’s powers were consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the…

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 – grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 – assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12148 – created the Federal Emergency Management Agency to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An “emergency czar” was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies. The bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12656 – appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and grant the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12919 – Collects EOs 10995, 10997, 10998, 10999, 11000, 11001, 11002, 11003, 11004, 11005 and 11051 together into one new Executive Order.

National Security Act of 1947 – allows for the strategic relocation of industries, services, government and other essential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirements for manpower, resources and production facilities.

1950 Defense Production Act – gives the President sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy.

Act of August 29, 1916 – authorizes the Secretary of the Army, in time of war, to take possession of any transportation system for transporting troops, material, or any other purpose related to the emergency.

International Emergency Economic Powers Act – enables the President to seize the property of a foreign country or national. These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweeping consolidation in 1979.

We are already living on borrowed time as a Nation. I suggest you take the advice of those people who predicted this exact scenario a decade ago and begin investing in tangibles and hard commodities. Land, firearms, precious metals, tools and food.

Think about the one thing that you must have and will always spend money on – food. If you could buy 6 months of food now, imagine the return on your investment when inflation hits the grocery stores by the end of this year. We’re already seeing it everywhere around us. Take note and act accordingly!

We are entering a very dangerous time frame in not only our lives, but history.

Kevin Hayden is a former New Orleans police officer-turned-political activist. He endured Hurricane Katrina and the chaos and collapse in the days following. He currently resides in Oklahoma where he operates and continues to work on local politics and education about our monetary, food and foreign policies while building an off-grid homestead.
October 26, 2010"

Emailed to Me...