Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Summit 1031 Exchange Bankruptcy - Tim Larkin - Lane Lyons - Brian Stevens, Mark Neuman - Do You Feel Lucky?

Correct Me If I am Wrong, I Know You Will - But is this a "Confession" from Daddy, Mark Neuman Summit 1031 Exchange Principle?

Cha-Ching. I think it is a Confession

Tim Larkin - Lane Lyons - Brian Stevens, Mark Neuman
You Have to Ask Yourself...
Do You Feel Lucky ?

Obsidian Finance Group, DOJ, FBI, Creditors.. What Do you Think Of Daddy's Response.. Need the Original.. ( Got It )

Hey Mark Neuman ..
Whether Stephanie Lives through this or not.. I will Still See you Financially Ruined and in Prison.. As I am Answering the Prayers of the REAL Victims Suffering... the Real Estate Victims - the Creditors - the Exchangers - the Investors YOU Duped...

Drop Your Pants and
Bend Over Mark Neuman
- Summit 1031 Exchange Principle.

Emails Between Mark Neuman and Stephanie DeYoung..

Bankruptcy Whistleblower Says to Summit 1031 Principle Daddy Mark Neuman -
March 7, 2010 9:48:47 PM

" You letting go and sharing your story is your redemption.

This is how you will live free.

There comes a time when you have to make a choice.

Are you going to abandon your fear and be you to the universe?

Are you going to show people how they should fight back?

It is tax season and we need to work, but in the meantime we can get help to build your blog as a QI Industry Whistleblower/Investigative Blogger.

Crystal is just saying shit or get off the pot.

Love you.

Stephanie "

Mark Neuman Summit 1031 Exchange Principle Says

"" It didn't make me cry nor fall into despair.

I'm comfortable with where I'm at at this moment.

If I'm letting Crystal get to me, how could I not let Padrick and his gang get to me?

And I'm just not going to cross that line on the other principals.

I know what I can pull out in the end if I had to...... and they will certainly deserve it then if they abandoned me.

But should we be making them the bad guys cause they don't want to get in this brawl?

Pitting us against each other plays right into what the DOJ and Padrick all want.

Get them fighting amongst each other and it takes pressure off of them.

I would put more credence in it, but there really isn't much to pit against each other. I know very well what Lane did in his tenure is not in line with how he's trying to portray his role. I have the list- yes, an actual list and it gets longer as I review emails and such.

So tell me this.

Do you think that your blogs will expose it and somebody from the DOJ will just show up someday and charge them? This is how I pictured it.

The blogs keep spreading information and the Internet public that ties in watches...... and the DOJ watches, the creditors committee watches.... they all watch.

They latter ones worry. What they don't want is the next step.

A friggin newspaper reporter (as rotten as they seem to be) decides he/she can get some attention on this story and breaks it and it gets widely distributed..... and it starts to grow and grow. Or a TV reporter.... whatever it is.

The newspapers don't have the power that they once had because of the internet, but it is just another portion of the house falling in on the bad guys (rascals as Rich calls em!).

I believe the real story has some momentum and the story is just in the beginning of swinging the other way. Why are you going to the Bulletin??? Cause it is part of the process of getting attention on the right people.

One of the things these other websites don't seem to have, and I'm guessing here at bit..... alot of traffic. I would have seen them long ago. Not coming up high in the search engine..... so they aren't doing some things right which you and Crystal are doing.

So I look at them just as more educational than anything with possible clues that could be used for the Summit clause. But I don't want to leave up to them to find the links. I want to make it easy and will email them. "

That's Right Summit 1031 Exchange Principles - Tim Larkin, Lane Lyons, Brian Stevens... Daddy has a Back up Plan to Take Care of You. .. So Go Ahead and Remain Silent.. YOU Lose !!

Daddy has a List on You.. and Daddy Mark Neuman is So Pompass.. he would First Hospitalize his Daughter to Silence.. her.. that won't work . .because I Don't Care Anymore.. he thought I Would Shut Up because I Would Be So concerned with her.. thing is She is Awesome and ALL but she certainly does not mean more to me then the 106 Victims that Daddy Created.. SO I Choose to Let her Lay there and I Choose to Keep Talking..

Daddy Don't Own My Thoughts, My Power, My Spirituality, My Truth... So if You Need to Make Your Daughter Pay for YOUR Sins.. with her Very Life, her Mind, her Heart... Looks Like there is Nothing I can do.. .. Your Truth is Your Truth.. My Truth is My Truth.

I will however Sleep Well at Night knowing I Do Tell the Truth.. Care about People and Expose.. Evil.. Dominating .. Suppressive.. Thieving ASSHOLES like YOU...

When the Hospitalize My Crazy Fucking, Off Her Rocker Daughter don't Work for Summit 1031 Exchange Principle Mark Neuman ... HE will Rat Out Summit 1031 Exchange Principle - Tim Larkin, Lane Lyons, Brian Stevens... a Back up Plan to Protect Him and His Family.. You - Tim Larkin, Lane Lyons, Brian Stevens, YOU are the Next Collateral Damage in Daddy's Arsenal...

Here is the Way to Confess Your Sins...
Come On it Feels Sooo Good..

If You all Dig In.. Well Then I will Take ALL Four of You up to the Prison Gates.. and Maybe your Wife and Adult Kids Too.. Jan Neuman of Course.. oh and Guess What .. This Crazy Mother Fucking, Manipulating, Brainwashing .. Predator.. WILL Take Little Miss Hot Pants Stephanie Studebaker-DeYoung Right up to those Gates too.. and Bret DeYoung.. he will go as Well.. as How Could he Not Know what She knows.. the Pillow Talk on this Secret must be Juicy !!!

So Decide Summit Mafia ....
Is it ONE of YOU
Or ALL of YOU... ???
Is this a Chance Your Willing to Take ???

Oh and ... Tim Larkin, Lane Lyons, Brian Stevens ... I have Daddy's List.. so if his Back Up Plan should not come into Play by Him.. It WILL come into play by ME....

Sweet Dreams White Collar Criminals..
Ruining Lives of Innocent People... WELL
This is Your Come to Jesus.. Party..

Maybe NOW is a Good Time to
Run To .. Say Guadalajara ... ???

I Know you Assholes Have SECRETS, Lies and Fraud..

I Know you have Hidden around 20 Million Dollars.. possibly More.. .. and I am Telling You for the Sake of Your Family - YOU had Better Turn on Mark Neuman - for the FBI wants Someone.. it is ONE or ALL.. Him going down will save you and your families... He Goes to Jail.. You Live a Happy life.. and Well Maybe I won't find ALL of Your Hidden Assets and you can even afford some New Underwear....

Posted By
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

More Information on the Summit 1031 Exchange Scandal is Rough and Raw Truth at - For More on the Let's Indict the Summit 1031 Exchange Assholes... Go to -

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International. Stan Goss Grandson, Michael Goss Nephew FIRES Distributor.

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International Fresh Out of College a Job By Corporate as he is Stan Goss's Grandson, Michael Goss's Nephew - The Question is Did he know who he was Calling or What He Was Doing? Was it Ethical, Illegal, Immoral or Just Business as Usual at Formor International.

Check Out tomm. for this Story..

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International.

Internet Compliance at Formor International is not very bright but boy they are a stickler for the Rules... well at least the ones that benefit Formor International.

Formor international is Cruel, Unethical, Above their Own Policies, they wipe out your business if you Trump Them or Call them on ANYTHING, and they always add a Bible Quote to your .. Here Take This YOU Lose.. We get Your Income Stream and Down Line.. Screw You Letter..

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International has been known to Make Some Big Mistakes at Formor International and ALL in 3 Little Ol' Months.. it's ok.. as Long as YOUR Stan Goss's Grandson, Michael Goss's Nephew - and You Be Sure and Add a Bible Quote to Your Screw You Letter...

Chris Capehart - Internet Compliance at Formor International.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

This Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away

"1938 Austria - sobering.....urgent for all Americans to read.....urgent
The author of this article lives in South Dakota and appears to be very active in attempting to maintain our freedom.

I encourage everybody to read this article and pass it along. Google Kitty Werthmann and you will see articles and videos.

This Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away

By: Kitty Werthmann
What I am about to tell you is something you've probably never heard or will ever read in history books. I believe that I am an eyewitness to history.

I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide - 98% of the vote.. I've never read that in any American publications.
Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.
In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed.. We had 25% inflation and 25% bank loan interest rates.

Farmers and business people were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn't want to work; there simply weren't any jobs. My mother was a Christian woman and believed in helping people in need.

Every day we cooked a big kettle of soup and baked bread to feed those poor, hungry people - about 30 daily.

The Communist Party and the National Socialist Party were fighting each other. Blocks and blocks of cities like Vienna , Linz , and Graz were destroyed. The people became desperate and petitioned the government to let them decide what kind of government they wanted.

We looked to our neighbor on the north, Germany , where Hitler had been in power since 1933. We had been told that they didn't have unemployment or crime, and they had a high standard of living. Nothing was ever said about persecution of any group -- Jewish or otherwise. We were led to believe that everyone was happy. We wanted the same way of life in Austria .

We were promised that a vote for Hitler would mean the end of unemployment and help for the family. Hitler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms back. Ninety-eight percent of the population voted to annex Austria to Germany and have Hitler for our ruler.

We were overjoyed, and for three days we danced in the streets and had candlelight parades. The new government opened up big field kitchens and everyone was fed.

After the election, German officials were appointed, and like a miracle, we suddenly had law and order. Three or four weeks later, everyone was employed. The government made sure that a lot of work was created through the Public Work Service.

Hitler decided we should have equal rights for women. Before this, it was a custom that married Austrian women did not work outside the home.

An able-bodied husband would be looked down on if he couldn't support his family. Many women in the teaching profession were elated that they could retain the jobs they previously had been required to give up for marriage.

Hitler Targets Education - Eliminates Religious Instruction for Children: Our education was nationalized. I attended a very good public school.. The population was predominantly Catholic, so we had religion in our schools.

The day we elected Hitler (March 13, 1938), I walked into my schoolroom to find the crucifix replaced by Hitler's picture hanging next to a Nazi flag. Our teacher, a very devout woman, stood up and told the class we wouldn't pray or have religion anymore. Instead, we sang "Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles," and had physical education.

Sunday became National Youth Day with compulsory attendance. Parents were not pleased about the sudden change in curriculum. They were told that if they did not send us, they would receive a stiff letter of warning the first time.

The second time they would be fined the equivalent of $300, and the third time they would be subject to jail. The first two hours consisted of political indoctrination. The rest of the day we had sports. As time went along, we loved it. Oh, we had so much fun and got our sports equipment free. We would go home and gleefully tell our parents about the wonderful time we had.

My mother was very unhappy. When the next term started, she took me out of public school and put me in a convent. I told her she couldn't do that and she told me that someday when I grew up, I would be grateful. There was a very good curriculum, but hardly any fun - no sports, and no political indoctrination. I hated it at first but felt I could tolerate it. Every once in a while, on holidays, I went home.

I would go back to my old friends and ask what was going on and what they were doing. Their loose lifestyle was very alarming to me. They lived without religion. By that time unwed mothers were glorified for having a baby for Hitler.

It seemed strange to me that our society changed so suddenly. As time went along, I realized what a great deed my mother did so that I wasn't exposed to that kind of humanistic philosophy.

Equal Rights Hits Home: In 1939, the war started and a food bank was established. All food was rationed and could only be purchased using food stamps. At the same time, a full-employment law was passed which meant if you didn't work, you didn't get a ration card, and if you didn't have a card, you starved to death.

Women who stayed home to raise their families didn't have any marketable skills and often had to take jobs more suited for men.

Soon after this, the draft was implemented. It was compulsory for young people, male and female, to give one year to the labor corps. During the day, the girls worked on the farms, and at night they returned to their barracks for military training just like the boys. They were trained to be anti-aircraft gunners and participated in the signal corps.

After the labor corps, they were not discharged but were used in the front lines. When I go back to Austria to visit my family and friends, most of these women are emotional cripples because they just were not equipped to handle the horrors of combat.

Three months before I turned 18, I was severely injured in an air raid attack. I nearly had a leg amputated, so I was spared having to go into the labor corps and into military service.
Hitler Restructured the Family Through Daycare:

When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children.. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had.

Health Care and Small Business Suffer Under Government Controls: Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone.

Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.

As for healthcare, our tax rates went up to 80% of our income. Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.

We had another agency designed to monitor business. My brother-in-law owned a restaurant that had square tables. Government officials told him he had to replace them with round tables because people might bump themselves on the corners.

Then they said he had to have additional bathroom facilities. It was just a small dairy business with a snack bar. He couldn't meet all the demands. Soon, he went out of business. If the government owned the large businesses and not many small ones existed, it could be in control.

We had consumer protection. We were told how to shop and what to buy. Free enterprise was essentially abolished. We had a planning agency specially designed for farmers. The agents would go to the farms, count the live-stock, then tell the farmers what to produce, and how to produce it.

"Mercy Killing" Redefined: In 1944, I was a student teacher in a small village in the Alps . The villagers were surrounded by mountain passes which, in the winter, were closed off with snow, causing people to be isolated. So people intermarried and offspring were sometimes retarded. When I arrived, I was told there were 15 mentally retarded adults, but they were all useful and did good manual work.

I knew one, named Vincent, very well. He was a janitor of the school. One day I looked out the window and saw Vincent and others getting into a van. I asked my superior where they were going. She said to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade, and to read and write.

The families were required to sign papers with a little clause that they could not visit for 6 months. They were told visits would interfere with the program and might cause homesickness.

As time passed, letters started to dribble back saying these people died a natural, merciful death. The villagers were not fooled. We suspected what was happening. Those people left in excellent physical health and all died within 6 months. We called this euthanasia.

The Final Steps - Gun Laws:
Next came gun registration.. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns.

Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.

No more freedom of speech. Anyone who said something against the government was taken away.

We knew many people who were arrested, not only Jews, but also priests and ministers who spoke up.

Totalitarianism didn't come quickly, it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to realize full dictatorship in Austria . Had it happened overnight, my countrymen would have fought to
the last breath. Instead, we had creeping gradualism.

Now, our only weapons were broom handles. The whole idea sounds almost unbelievable that the state, little by little eroded our freedom.

After World War II, Russian troops occupied Austria . Women were raped, preteen to elderly. The press never wrote about this either.

When the Soviets left in 1955, they took everything that they could, dismantling whole factories in the process.

They sawed down whole orchards of fruit, and what they couldn't destroy, they burned. We called it The Burned Earth. Most of the population barricaded themselves in their houses. Women hid in their cellars for 6 weeks as the troops mobilized.

Those who couldn't, paid the price. There is a monument in Vienna today, dedicated to those women who were massacred by the Russians. This is an eye witness account.

"It's true..those of us who sailed past the Statue of Liberty came to a country of unbelievable freedom and opportunity.

America Truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away,

"After America , There is No Place to Go" "

Sent in By a Reader...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Andrew Cuomo Tip - Poltical Mine Field If Cuomo Enters "the Race" so Predicte that he WON'T.

" The story of Cuomo's investigation of Paterson and his later appointment of Judith Kaye is yesterday's news already.

Currently, everyone is anticipating that Andrew Cuomo, who has delayed month after month his presumed entry into the gubernatorial primary, will finally enter the race in late April.

I am predicting that Cuomo will never enter the race.

He knows by entering that he is stepping into a political mine field filled with IEDs that might explode at any time and finally expose NY's hidden political scandals, scandals including both Mario's and Andrew's dirty little secrets.

These are the very scandals he wished to remain hidden through his bad-faith appointment of a "dependable and reliable" Judith Kaye, an appointment overwhelming in its transparency.

I am also tipping you off that, even if Cuomo does not enter the race, the story of NY's secret political scandals may finally be breaking news in the not too distant future.

Cuomo is in the no-win situation of being damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

One NY paper may be already working on a story and NY activists concerned with courtroom corruption and angry with Judith Kaye have already contacted me, have been excited with my information, have begun posting writings on their blogs, and are allegedly busy rallying "the troops". ....

.... you will see why a primary fight between Paterson and Cuomo could/would have been racially divisive, even awakening up old racial wounds."

Political Tip Sent in By Reader..

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Really Collapsed Enron? Well it was a Proskauer Rose Law Firm Scandal, a Foiled Patent Theft

In America only Certain People have rights to Protection from the Law - Most All are just Collateral Damage to Protect Corrupt Attorneys, Judges, DOJ Officials, Corrupt FBI agents, Billionaire Tech Companies, Major Media Companies and Mega Law Firms.

Judical Coverups, Attorneys and Judges Protecting Each Other, Illegal Behavior among judges, attorneys and clerks .. well this is American Justice.. not based in TRUTH or Law but Based in who you know and what your willing to pay them to cover your Dirty Deeds...


"" KernelOfTruth says:

There is a case in which any one of you might be interested. It involves the theft of patents worth at least one trillion dollars, and has already paid out billions in royalties that have never been received by the inventor or the company (with no report of where that much looted money has disappeared).

The reason you may be interested is that it is a Florida case with ties to places in New York, and the inventor seems to have run into problems similar to those discussed by individuals who have posted on the subject of public corruption in the Scott Rothstein case.

The shenanigans are unbelievable, including, but certainly not limited to, a Keystone Cop like investigation by the Boca Raton Police Department and an ostensible Office of the FBI [in West Palm Beach]. How much do you think it cost the taxpayers to set up that [rented FBI] Office, which acted as though an investigation was being run when nothing was done to examine the complicity of lawyers, public officials, and investigating agencies and a car bombing.

If you are interested, you can go to and listen to certain testimony relating to the crimes that were allowed to occur through the Courts, both a Civil Division State Court and U.S. Bankruptcy Court, in West Palm Beach, Florida.

If you prefer, you can read certain documents at

The inventor and main person being abused, Eliot L. Bernstein, discusses the matter in the State Hearings held in New York, involving public corruption. One case brought up concerns a Monty Friedkin case, which he says is cloaked as lawyers and law firms acting as a criminal enterprise stealing inventions from inventors.

He identifies William J. Dick of the Foley and Lardner law firm and Brian Utley as working with Christopher Clarke Wheeler to steal inventions from Monte Friedkin, of Diamond Turf Equipment, a Florida corporation.

The criminal enterprise against Mr. Friedkin was explained as Utley (operating as the President of the company) contracting former IBM patent attorney William Dick to write Friedkin’s patents in his name and place them into a company incorporated by Christopher C.Wheeler of Proskauer Rose.

According to [page 15 of] the Complaint found at that web site, a lawyer that had subsequently been convicted in Florida of Felony Driving Under the Influence with Injury is identified as the instigator or ringleader. Then, this ringleader, Christopher Clarke Wheeler, is identified as a lawyer with the law firm of Proskauer Rose.

This scam is identified by Eliot Bernstein (in testimony and also by Stephen Lamont in the Complaint) as being perpetrated in a same fashion [as that run against Diamond Turf] when involving his Iviewit Company, wherein certain individuals performed in the enterprise, to walk the patents and intellectual properties [Utley] worked on, out of the business and into a company that these co-adventurers owned, in which the true owner [in this case, one can replace Friedkin with Bernstein] had no interest or idea of it’s existence.

Scroll down to pages 16 - 18 of the 43 page Complaint, and you can read about how both intrinsic and extrinsic fraud were further perpetrated before a Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Palm Beach County, in the State of Florida, with what would appear a Circuit Court Judge’s willingness to grant an allowance for continual acts of perjury, intentional fraud, and criminal acts of conversion.

For instance, the Judge [Jorge Labarga] is said to have stated that the prior counsel that the parties did not know or hire had been representing them so that the right to file almost anything in the case had been waived by the counsel that had no authority to file the case or act in the case.

Further on, at page 21 [after explaining the reasons for starting File number 402-2-59-1799-339, on May 13th, 2002, with the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, at the behest of the Long Beach, California FBI], is the explanation “Bernstein, upon discovering further that the companies were involved in a federal bankruptcy in Florida (Case No. 01-33407-BKC-SHF Inv Chap 11 in the Southern District of Florida) and the law suit in civil court in Proskauer Rose v. Iviewit discussed above, both previously unbeknownst to exist by shareholders or management of the legitimate companies, built his case from California and then moved to Florida to the lions den or Labarga’s court and the Bankruptcy Court, believing that justice would be had.

Both actions filed in Florida were instigated by Proskauer Rose and Proskauer Rose referred management Utley, Michael Reale and an entity RYJO, Inc. (“RYJO”).

RYJO a subcontractor under a strategic alliance structured by Proskauer Rose, between Iviewit and Real 3D, Inc. (“R3D”) a client of theirs, R3D owned 70% by Lockheed Martin, 20% by Silicon Graphics Inc., and 10% by Intel, later wholly acquired by Intel and a third party necessary with management to file an involuntary.

With new counsel relieving dirty counsel, those acting without authority, now replaced by counsel retained by the legitimate companies, Bernstein went back to Florida to pursue his rights. It is presumed that once Proskauer Rose to instantly get rid of the evidence of the fraudulent companies but first had a plan to get the stolen intellectual properties out.

Thus, when combined, the billing case that they thought nobody would ever discover was in court and bankruptcy, the companies could do the following:

(i) Proskauer Rose would sue fraudulent companies ABC which harbored the stolen patents with a large unpaid bill

(ii) this would make them the largest creditor and thus entitled in a bankruptcy to majority of the company and the stolen patents and

(iii) with Utley, RYJO and Reale instigating the bankruptcy they would be the remaining benefactors, it would all look clean to the Courts, almost invisible and they would walk off with the stolen assets. They never figured that Bernstein would be tipped off to this in the midst of the process”.

It was related that one of the counsel [Kenneth Rubenstein] “was so brazen that the Court was in his pocket, that he wrote [Judge] Jorge Labarga a sworn statement claiming he never heard of Eliot Bernstein, the Iviewit companies and was being harassed”.

Also related to the case was a declaration of a showing to Warner Brothers of entries with investor H. Wayne Huizenga, in regards to the Iviewit inventions and multiple billings.

The kicker in the last paragraph [on page 18] is the obvious dereliction of duty in regards to what passes for FBI Agents in the network [of the ol’ south Good Ole Boys] and compromised Office of the US Attorney with the Southern District of Florida, when it is written “one asks, why later those same crimes exposed in mass against the government to the West Palm Beach Office of the FBI, were not prosecuted when taken by the FBI to the US Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, along with all the other crimes they were apprised of and given evidence in support of and which they then led Iviewit to believe they were investigating until April 17, 2007”.

Page 20 holds a critical piece of information, which is “Another part of the immediate problem was that evidence surfaced of a deal between the fraudulent Iviewit companies and Enron’s Broadband Division, in the now infamous Enron/Blockbuster Deal which due to Enron’s booking of hundreds of millions of dollars ahead of earning it, on a new technology for broadband internet distribution of movies, based on technologies almost stolen from Iviewit which are the true cause of the collapse of Enron.

All evidence of this had to be destroyed by the law firms who had perpetrated the crimes and this may have been the cause of the massive shredding party”.

For a story about the “Specific Involvement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation -- West Palm Beach Office: January 2003 to March 2007”, scroll down to page 23.

The tale involves accusations regarding lawyers submitting false statements and falsified documents (including to a Court of Law), money made or laundered under the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements, conflicts of interest and appearances of impropriety that involved Public Office corruption cases before the Florida Supreme Court, denial of due process and procedure in the Civil Courts as the criminal lawyers legal and political power have been able to position [without disclosure] through conflict to avoid prosecution by infiltrating Public Offices where Complaints have been filed, the infiltration of the attorney discipline process [both in New York and Florida],

..the possibility that the [Democrat-controlled] Proskauer Rose law firm is controlling certain of the Florida Courts and Disciplinary Departments when the New York law firm has one small Office in Boca Raton, cases at the Boca Raton Police Department that were derailed [with the Officer disappearing without Notice],

...the possibility that the [Republican-controlled] Foley and Lardner Law Firm is controlling a certain tier of the Florida Courts and the Governor’s Office when the Wisconsin law firm had virtually no presence in Florida, a subterfuge of a deferral of a Department of Business and Professional Regulation Complaint that falls under another conflict due to the fact that Governor Charlie Crist had appointed [Iviewit’s former patent counsel] Foley and Lardner, special Office positions favorably given to lawyers like George Lemieux [a managing shareholder where the ringleader (Christopher Wheeler) worked in the Fort Lauderdale Office of the Gunster, Yoakley, & Stewart law firm].

The behavior of the President of The Florida Bar [Kelly Overstreet Johnson] who worked for the brother [James Wheeler] of the ringleader lawyer, the infiltration of federal investigations, an FBI Agent [Stephen Lucchesi] who acted as though the problem was one that was civil in nature without need for FBI involvement, Special Agent Joseph Sconzo’s denial that there was any file concerning Iviewit in the FBI’s [rented] West Palm Beach Office.

Special Agent in Charge John McVie’s denial of any history of Iviewit or Eliot Bernstein with any FBI investigation after years of investigation, a non-existent Securities and Exchange Commission investigation jointly run with the Boca Raton Police Department, denial of any oversight responsibilities pertaining to action taken by the FBI by the Inspector General of the Department of Justice [Glenn Fine],

.... the dismissal of a need for an audit when the Small Business Administration is the largest investor and shareholder through SBIC loans, the lack of oversight by the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida, the lack of investigation by the Department of Justice into the Iraqi-style car bombing of the family vehicle belonging to Mr. Bernstein his wife and three children, possible terminations of US Attorneys for political reasons and retirements of Special Agents for political reasons,

... an admittance of no power or authority held by either the House Judiciary Committee or the Senate Judiciary Committee, harm to international relations through violations of international treatises, the failure of former Commissioner of Patents [John Doll] and his successor Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property [Jon W. Dudas] to follow the law, and possible influence wielded by Michael Grebe [the former Chairman of the Foley and Lardner law firm and former Chairman of the Republican National Committee who is currently under investigation for other violations]

The gist of the Complaint can be boiled down to the request contained on page 22, which is “With the revenues from the technologies converted to their pools and already generating profits in billions of dollars since invention, it would take either a continuous corruption of any legal or prosecutorial agency the complaints went or easier that with a Presidential top down denial of due process and procedure, through various Presidential appointments in key positions to block it top down.

We are asking the DOJ OIG to investigate for any possible connection to election fraud or payola to politicians capable of planting individuals to block Iviewit at each of these agencies”.

Moreover, on page 7 of a succeeding formal request to the Office of Internal Affairs for the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the inventor and President & Founder of Iviewit Technologies, Inc./Iviewit [Iviewit Holdings, Inc.], Eliot Bernstein, further concluded his ordeal and exasperation and concern for others, in his summation: “Please contact me immediately regarding these matters, as I fear for not only the life of my family but those who had volunteered to act as witnesses and others, that presumed they were doing so with the FBI investigating the matters.

I am in grave concern that the FBI has taken no actions to protect a citizen whose life has been threatened repeatedly, whose car has been blown up and confirmed as committed with intent by fire investigators.

A group of citizens who have followed all the rules of making complaints to all the proper authorities, to find that no one is protecting their rights to life, as well as, the rights guaranteed through the Constitution under Article I, Sec 8, Clause 8 pertaining to protection of inventors with the full weight of the Constitution, in the event of just such attempts to steal such inventions and murder inventors.

In fact, in a RICO case the FBI typically offers protection to witnesses against corruption from small or large mobsters when witnesses’ lives may be in danger.

Where a group of citizens have brought allegations of corruption that may yield a Patentgate, with attempted murders already occurring in the US and threats already effectuated against ones life, it is stunning that FBI officers who have been fully apprised of the matters and tendered evidence and witnesses against the accused, have not granted an iota of protection to those who are in danger, all indicating a top down control of the government and its regulatory agencies.

Control by those at the top to aid and abet those alleged to have committed such atrocities, through violation of public offices of these federal and state investigatory agencies. Most disturbing though is that it now appears that no one is protecting the United States and foreign nations from a group of criminals cloaked as lawyers, politicians and judicial members!”. ""
Posted Here by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kent Lenhard - Local man joins census boycott - Bakersfield California

Kent Lenhard has Got Moxy - the Census is Unethical at Best !!!

"When Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann announced recently she would defy the law by refusing to complete next year's national census, members of her own party asked her to reconsider.

They said boycotting the constitutionally mandated census would be bad for America.
Bachmann refused to back down.

Now, Bachmann's mini-rebellion may be spreading -- to at least one local household.

Bakersfield resident Kent Lenhard says the U.S. Census Bureau has no right to ask him so many questions. So Lenhard is refusing to fill out the 28-page American Community Survey, a supplemental census questionnaire mailed to about 2.5 percent of the population each year.
"Talk about Big Brother," Lenhard said. "I read it over twice and thought, 'Wow, I can't believe this.'"

The 66-year-old retired architect said the government has no right to ask him about his race and ethnicity. If society is supposed to be colorblind, he said, why should it matter?

The Census Bureau wants to know how much he pays for his utilities, how he gets to work, when he leaves for work, and what he does at work.

One question seemed particularly inappropriate to Lenhard: Does a resident have difficulty concentrating or making decisions because of a physical, mental or emotional condition? "It's none of their business," Lenhard said.

After three phone calls to the U.S. Census Bureau -- which he emphasized were conducted in a polite and civil manner -- Lenhard was told to expect a visit from an equally nice bureau employee.

Doesn't matter, Lenhard said. He's not budging. Even if they throw the book at him.

It's not uncommon for Americans to have questions and concerns about the survey, which is identical to the census long form that goes out to millions of Americans every 10 years, said Census spokeswoman Shelly Lowe.

But most of the questions on the survey have been asked for decades or even centuries, Lowe said. Questions related to gender and race were on the first census dating back to 1790.
Education, marital status, place of birth and language were addressed by questions added in the 1800s.

And questions about disabilities -- including the one above -- have been on the census since 1970, Lowe said.

The significance of census information is worth billions to state and local agencies across the country.

Statistics compiled by the survey determine the destination for $435 billion in federal funding annually. The money is funnelled into highway and transportation projects, health care grants and other efforts.

"Census data is very, very valuable," said Darrel Hildebrand, assistant director of Kern Council of Governments. "We use it very heavily."

Planning a freeway can take decades, Hildebrand said, and without long-term statistical data that shows where, when and even why people drive, planners would be hamstrung.

Private companies use the information, too, he said, when determining where to build a product distribution center, a retail store or an office building. "Census data is used by all sectors," he said.

Meanwhile, census protesters appear to represent a tiny fraction of Americans. According to Lowe, 97 percent of census forms and surveys are completed and returned.

And while it's true that residents are required under penalty of law to complete their census forms, Bachmann and Lenhard have little to fear if they choose not to follow the law.

"We have not prosecuted this yet," Lowe said. "That's not how the census prefers to operate.""


Boycotting the Census ?
Email Me your Story
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Friday, March 19, 2010

"Will Judith Kaye Use Her Jimmy Choo Shoes to Run to the Nearest OAG Exit?" - Judith Kaye - Andrew Cuomo, Conflict of Interst. Cuomo Family Secrets.

"" Once upon a time, a prince named Andrew who would be king, prevailed upon his fairy godmother named Judith to wave her magic wand and make his problems miraculously disappear. . .

Ms. Kaye,

Since you now have an email address at the OAG, presumably with office space, staff, and expenses paid with tax dollars (courtesy of Andrew Cuomo), I will be resending the three emails I previously sent you at your private law office on 3/12/10 to your OAG email address.

As to your own lack of monetary compensation, the financial arrangement you made with Andrew Cuomo to work pro bono appears to be a generous offer to an uninformed public and a sleeping and non-inquisitive NY press.

I am not in either category. Therefore, I am insisting that you accept $1.00 from NYS funds--not a penny more or less--in payment for your services as independent counsel to the OAG. Informed individuals and lawyers know the legal significance of either offering or accepting state funds--even $1.00--in a situation rife with the possibility of potential criminal charges later being sought.

I would also request that you go on public record that you have accepted $1.00 as salary to serve as independent counsel. Andrew Cuomo's refusal to offer $1.00 from state funds and your refusal to accept $1.00 from state funds could be very telling re: what you knew before agreeing to be independent counsel and what Andrew Cuomo expects from you as independent counsel.

My instincts are hardly ever wrong.

Andrew Cuomo has already gone on public record claiming that his appointment of you as independent counsel was to insure the public of the integrity of the investigation. I believe otherwise--that he had an ulterior and improper motive for appointing you.

Andrew Cuomo is first and foremost a politician and politicians are infamous for granting favors now and collecting payment later. Andrew Cuomo's appointment of you can reasonably and legitimately be viewed as his collecting a delayed payment that was still owed to his father by you..

Governor Paterson has known for some time about the Cuomo family's dirty little secrets. He may be legally blind, but he's not dumb. Rest assured, he knew exactly what he was doing when he asked Andrew Cuomo to investigate any charges against him.

I would venture that he's not laying awake at night worrying whether there will be any criminal charges brought against him.

As to your own predicament and for your own consideration, I acknowledge that claims of appearance of impropriety/conflict of interest do not arise simply out of mere friendship. However, your relationship with the Cuomo family goes well beyond that standard, as even you should be willing to admit. To be blunt, your professional standing and social status is undeniably associated with Mario Cuomo.

Who would Andrew Cuomo be if his father wasn't Mario Cuomo?

Like most attorneys, he would most likely be toiling away in relative obscurity at some non-prestigious law firm or employed by some government agency in an equally obscure position--similar to the career path you possibly would have suffered except for the same Mario Cuomo.

Please don't take this last comment as a personal insult--it's just a recognition of reality, even for myself. There is always someone more intelligent, more capable, more insightful, more principled, more connected, etc. when it comes to filling any position.

Given the Cuomo family dirty little secrets, doesn't it seem strange to you that Andrew Cuomo would ask you to be independent counsel when there are thousands of NY lawyers with prosecutorial experience who have no indebtedness to the Cuomo family or connection to any of NY's hidden political scandals?

Doesn't instinctively knowing that Andrew Cuomo will very possibly expect you to remain silent about crimes and misconduct not connected to David Paterson but linked to the OAG and the NYSP cause you any angst?

Wouldn't any deliberate decision to look the other way be in violation of certain provisions of the Lawyer's Code of Professional Conduct? As a former chief judge for NYS who has written books on ethics, you very likely know this code forward and backward.

Additionally and perhaps irrelevant, you most likely are aware of Christine Anderson's lawsuit claiming that the disciplinary committee for the 1st department of the NY OCA whitewashed and covered up charges made against politically connected attorneys. If you recall, this suit was filed during the last years of your service as chief judge.

Furthermore, any future claim by you that you were only appointed to investigate the Booker matter and World Series tickets matter and, therefore, can ignore any damaging information re: your main benefactor, his son, and others would be subject to justifiable ridicule.

I would hope that you, as a former NYS chief judge, would hold yourself to the highest ethical standards possible and won't resort to "lawyer speak" in defense of your actions if ever questioned.

Andrew Cuomo, and not me, has placed you in a compromising position that should mandate your own withdrawal as independent counsel.

It would be naive to believe that attorneys representing various targets of your investigation who have already been sent the three emails you were sent would not want concessions for their clients or input into any of your findings in return for their own silence.

The fact that each side knows of the Cuomo family's dirty little secrets need not be verbalized, knowledge alone being sufficient enough to cast doubt on the credibility and integrity of any investigation.and its findings.

It would seem to me that there is only one available option if you wish to continue as independent counsel, i,e., to make a full and public disclosure of the compromising position Andrew Cuomo has chosen to put you in--something, I doubt, you would be willing to do.

In the event that you are not a true liberal like myself who can stand on principle, this insignificant nobody and ordinary US citizen would offer this advice: Use your Jimmy Choo high heels and presumed arthritic knees to run as fast as possible to the nearest OAG exit. Prince Andrew, who would be king, is not worthy enough for you to risk the potential damage to your own public reputation. ""

Sent in by A Reader

"At SEC, the system can be deaf to Whistleblowing" - I say the SEC has Motives to NOT Listen as they Still are NOT Listening To Billion Dollar Tips.

" By Zachary A. Goldfarb
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Eric Kolchinsky was an executive at Moody's, the credit rating company, when he called a top official at the Securities and Exchange Commission in September to warn that his firm might be violating securities law. He reported that Moody's was blessing mortgage-backed investments that it knew were dangerous, according to a person familiar with the conversation.

The SEC official assured Kolchinsky that someone from the agency would call him back shortly. But the call never came, Kolchinsky later told congressional investigators who were examining how the credit rating industry's failures contributed to the financial crisis. He had gone to Congress after losing patience with the SEC.

Kolchinsky is one in a series of whistleblowers who in recent years tried to tip off the SEC to potential wrongdoing, only to be ignored, misunderstood or left to wonder whether they were being listened to. The SEC has no system in place to guide how officials should handle tips and complaints from outsiders, making it difficult for investigators to take advantage of an invaluable source of information.

This failure helped to continue two of the most celebrated frauds of the last decade for several years, potentially costing unwitting investors millions of dollars. Countless others may have been left vulnerable to shysters because of warnings that went unheeded.

Since SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro took office last year, she has said that fixing the holes in the process for handling tips and complaints has been a top priority. But improving the way hundreds of thousands of tips are analyzed and pursued has proven difficult.

The SEC's enforcement division got back in touch with Kolchinsky about his allegations only after he told the story publicly to a congressional committee last fall, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The SEC said it responded to Kolchinsky's concerns but declined to provide details or to say how fast it did so. Moody's said it examined his allegations and found nothing improper.
The SEC has a haphazard, decentralized system for analyzing outsider information.

Tips arrive by phone, mail and e-mail to officials throughout the agency -- investor education to enforcement divisions. A study commissioned by the SEC last year and conducted by Mitre, a nonprofit group that does research for the federal government, found that the SEC lacks technology to analyze tips and complaints, as well as cohesive policies for what officials should do when they get information.

Whistleblower complaints are one of the main ways that investigators should be tipped to wrongdoing, SEC officials say, along with inconsistencies in financial filings and alerts from financial exchanges about suspicious trading patterns. But the SEC lags behind some other federal agencies in handling tips.

The Internal Revenue Service, for instance, pays reward money to whistleblowers who provide credible information about tax fraud. The Federal Trade Commission has set up a call center for tips and complaints.

On top of structural problems at the SEC, agency officials individually made mistakes in handling several recent cases, sometimes violating agency rules.

Members of Schapiro's management team said they recognized problems with the system for handling whistleblowers shortly after taking over.

"There was no uniformity to it. Every division and office had its own system of recording, tracking or handling tips and complaints. That system was pretty rudimentary," said Steve Cohen, the official tasked by Schapiro to overhaul the agency's tips, complaints and whistleblower program. "We're already working to acquire and deploy technology that centralizes all of the agency's tips and complaints so they can be sorted, reviewed, analyzed and tracked."

No shortage of witnesses

The SEC's struggles were underlined over the past two years with the revelation of two huge Ponzi schemes.

In the case of Bernard L. Madoff, whistleblowers had provided credible information to various SEC units for years.

The most prominent of these informants, a Boston financial analyst named Harry Markopolos, contacted the enforcement division on numerous occasions, according to the SEC's inspector general.

In one instance, Markopolos provided a detailed explanation of why Madoff's business was probably a fraud. Enforcement officials listened, but they dismissed him in their internal discussions. Two former enforcement officials told the inspector general that they discounted Markopolos's information because he was not an insider in Madoff's company.

Then, a few months after the Madoff scheme exploded into the headlines, the SEC exposed a second large Ponzi scheme, run by R. Allen Stanford. But that happened five years after an insider went to the SEC, warning that Stanford might be conducting a fraudulent business.

Leyla Wydler had been a vice president at Stanford's Houston-based company when she first started asking her supervisors tough questions about what the firm did with clients' money, according to her testimony before Congress last year. Her superiors were evasive, and she ultimately was fired.

After that, she went to the National Association of Securities Dealers, a private industry regulator overseen by the SEC. The NASD dismissed her concerns. Then in September 2004, she contacted the SEC's Fort Worth office, according to her congressional testimony. She followed up with a letter to an official there, questioning whether clients' money had been invested in the way Stanford said.

She never heard from the SEC again -- until January 2009, days before the SEC finally filed a case against Stanford, according to her testimony. The agency wanted to know more about her allegations. An inspector general report from June 2009 said the SEC began looking into Stanford years earlier but struggled to build a case against him.

Turning in the Tipster

In one case, it was the SEC that blew the whistle on Peter Sivere, an informant.

Sivere worked in the compliance office of New York investment bank J.P. Morgan Chase. As part of a team helping the bank furnish documents related to a 2004 SEC probe into suspected illegal trading, he found an e-mail that he thought was incriminating.

According to a subsequent report by the SEC inspector general, the e-mail said J.P. Morgan was knowingly providing hundreds of millions of dollars in credit to a firm "in the business of day trading mutual funds" -- which is illegal.

Sivere asked his superiors if this e-mail had been turned over to the SEC but did not get an answer. Instead, he was taken off the SEC project, according to the inspector general report. Sivere accessed his superiors' e-mail accounts to retrieve relevant e-mails, then contacted the SEC. He told the agency that he had relevant documents and asked whether he could receive a reward. He was told he was not eligible, but he turned over the documents anyway.

Sivere informed J.P. Morgan that he had contacted the SEC.

The company fired him, partly on the grounds that he had "sought payment from the SEC to provide documents and information to them outside of the normal scope of their investigation," according to a letter company lawyers wrote defending his dismissal. J.P. Morgan declined to comment for this article.

Sivere was shocked to learn that J.P. Morgan knew he had inquired about a bounty. He had been promised that his discussions with the SEC were confidential.

An SEC internal probe found that an investigator working on the case disclosed Sivere's information to J.P. Morgan's lawyers, violating the agency's confidentiality rules. The inspector general recommended that the SEC official who made the disclosure be referred for disciplinary action. None was taken, according to agency documents.

Retraining the Watchdog

Cohen, who is overhauling the SEC's whistleblower practices, said a database, jury-rigged from existing technology, will be in place this month to centralize all tips and complaints. Officials said that by the end of 2010, they hope to develop technology that would not only centralize the data but also automatically analyze them for patterns to help officials prioritize cases.

Currently, the SEC is setting procedures for responding to whistleblowers and is creating an office of market intelligence to coordinate how the agency's various units respond to tips.

The agency also wants to be able to reward whistleblowers, which it can only do now for insider-trading cases. The SEC has requested that Congress pass legislation giving it the ability to offer financial rewards to people who provide evidence of violations of securities law. ""

Source of Article

The SEC Gets Tips that Will inevitable Cost Shareholder Millions and they HAVE No System in place to really handle these tips, yet they act like they are taking in Tips and Handling them. The Iviewit Technologies Case will one day explode into Billions in Loss and the SEC has ignored the Eliot Bernstein SEC Complaint - and has know of the Involvement of Proskauer Rose way before the Standford Billions were lost. More on the Iviewit Stolen Patent and what Companies are affected go to and www.Iviewit.TV

Why is there no Accountability for the SEC Insiders that let these Billion Dollar Scams Happen then after the Scam and many innocent investors lose everything, the SEC insider gets a a Really Good Job at a high profile law firm. And no one seems to raise an eyebrow.

All these Billion Dollar Investment schemes seem to have the same thing in common. They have a Mega Law Firm behind them helping them, and the Law firms such as Proskauer Rose seem to have No Accountability for the Damage they due to investors.

In the Stanford investment Scandal SEC Sjoblom went to Proskauer Rose - talk about a conflict of Interest - Proskauer Rose seems to be behind a whole lot of these Billion Dollar Scams and they never seem to be held accountable.

In the Dreier Scandal there was Proskauer Rose LLP Attorney Sheila Gowan.

In the Madoff Scandal and there is said to a woman who fled the SEC to the Law Firm Proskauer Rose and that she is fingered all over the SEC report on Madoff failures.

So the SEC seems to hire these lawyers and let them run these scams and there seems to be no REAL
regulators of any kind for the ones in place seem to be part of the organized RICO Enterprise of Criminal Lawyers and Law Firms and the US court System does not seem to be able to do anything about them.

Is the SEC Liable for Billions to Trillions of Investors money when it is Obviously, Easily proved that the SEC Ignored TIPS for Years upon Years in all these cases. Time to Sue the SEC. This Government Agent should not be above the law, it is as if they let this stuff go on - on Purpose for pay offs and cushy jobs... and year after year the same scheme plays out and no one seems to be able to bring Justice, Accountability, or Real Action from the SEC to do what the Duty of the SEC is....


Sheila M. Gowan - Proskauer Rose - Iviewit

Standford - Proskauer Rose - Thomas Sjoblom

Madoff - Proskauer Rose

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Microsoft Brings MPEG-LA-LA Land to the Web and Threatens GNU/Linux With Software Patent Lawsuits

All these Patent Lawsuits These days among Huge Companies Like Google and Apple and Today Microsoft, MPEG LA GNU, Linux - what a mess all these is I mean do they even own or did tey even invent the patents they are fighting over..

"" Summary:

Microsoft is trying to sneak patents-encumbered MPEG formats into the Web using Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9); Microsoft threatens (again) to go after Linux legally IN OUR previous posts about IE 9 [1, 2] we mentioned not only security problems but also Microsoft’s ’support’ of the video tag, which we expected to have a negative side when implemented by Microsoft.

It now turns out that Microsoft — just like its buddy Apple — is trying to piggyback Web video to push H.264 into the standard. The W3C’s new CEO (Novell's former CTO who brags about software patents and helped create the patent deal with Microsoft) is unlikely to have a problem with this as the three people in his working group are from proponents of software patents (Apple, Microsoft, and IBM).

Here is the news article outlining Microsoft’s patent-saturated vision of the Web:
The rough version of IE9 that Microsoft demonstrated includes HTML5 video encoded with a particular technology called H.264. Apple’s Safari also supports this encoding and decoding technology, or codec.
But Mozilla is adamantly opposed to open-source-unfriendly H.264, supporting the rival Ogg Theora codec instead, and Opera is in that camp with its new version 10.5. Google’s Chrome supports both, tying the score at Ogg Theora 3, H.264 3.

Mozilla is fighting for us, but will it be enough? Mozilla is strongly against software patents, just like most companies that are without a monopoly (patent trolls don’t qualify as companies). According to this new post from Miro (formerly known as Democracy Player), the fight for free codecs intensifies and Wikipedia puts its weight behind it.

This is a concept that I had thinking about and trying to nudge towards reality for a long time; I’m thrilled that we’re finally there. There’s a bunch of interesting aspects, but perhaps the heart of it is a chance to bring open video to mainstream users and strike a blow for freedom.
Wikipedia is the most popular site in the world that posts video exclusively in open formats (specifically, theora).

The steadfast commitment that the Wikimedia Foundation has to open information, tools, and formats, is amazing. They truly put their values first.

We are respectfully concerned that the W3C suffered some form of entryism in the sense that everyone there is a proponent of software patents, except Tim Berners-Lee, which is just so ironic and sad.

Why are proprietary software monopolists given so much control over the Web’s direction? How was it allowed to happen? Even Apple, the company that’s attacking Free software using software patents [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and getting criticised for having software patents that harm the Web (this goes over a year back), was given a valuable seat, alongside its supportive friend, Microsoft. For those who have not read the past few days’ posts, Microsoft is openly supporting Apple’s action [1, 2, 3] against GNU/Linux. Only yesterday we quoted some of the latest FUD from Gutierrez (endorsement for Apple’s legal team), who led Glyn Moody to writing a sensationalist headline which he pushed into Slashdot. It says: “Is Microsoft About to Declare Patent War on Linux?”
Microsoft’s comments on happenings outside its immediate product portfolio are rare, and all the more valuable when they do appear. Here’s one from Horacio Gutierrez, “Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel”, entitled “Apple v. HTC: A Step Along the Path of Addressing IP Rights in Smartphones.”

By now, all the alarm bells should be going off: this is from Microsoft’s top intellectual monopoly bloke, writing about one of the most surprising and potentially disruptive lawsuits in the world of technology – and one that doesn’t even involve Microsoft directly. Why on earth is he doing it? Answer: because Microsoft has something very important to communicate.

Translated: smartphones are mostly about the kind of software that Microsoft produces; we have lots of patents in this area, and we are going to collect much more in this area – if necessary, through lawsuits (“continued activity”) of the kind Apple is bringing.
The question, of course, is against whom will Microsoft be bringing those lawsuits? And the answer, presumably, is everyone that makes smartphone software stacks, since these computer-like technologies will doubtless overlap with some of the doubtless broad and obvious patents that Microsoft will claim to have.

Some companies, used to these kind of games, will simply cross-license stuff if they have a big enough portfolio of similarly obvious patents. Others will just cough up some dosh to get Microsoft off their backs. But amidst all these conventional players, there is one very unconventional one: Linux, in its various mobile incarnations.

Taking legal action against *all* companies producing software stacks for smartphones would allow Microsoft to claim with some semblance of plausibility that it was not specifically targeting Linux this time (unlike its previous sabre-rattling statements about patent infringement that were specifically aimed at Linux).

But the net effect would be that Linux would be the chief victim of such an approach, since any companies using it in their smartphones are likely to end up doing deals with Microsoft – and hence implicitly accepting its claims – whatever the open source community might think or want. It would be like Novell’s pact with Microsoft, writ large and much worse.

We don’t agree with Moody’s exaggeration here. Microsoft is just beating the bushes (it’s sometimes called “shakedown”) in order to find more sellouts like I-O Data and Amazon [1, 2, 3, 4]. In the next post we will show that Microsoft uses other companies to launch lawsuits against GNU/Linux. It’s very much apparent at this stage and it takes extreme discipline to sincerely deny this. ""


Banks face Milan fraud charges - Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, UBS and Hypo Real Estate Holding's Depfa Bank

"" MILAN, Italy -- Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, UBS and Hypo Real Estate Holding's Depfa Bank unit have been charged with fraud linked to the sale of derivatives to the city of Milan.

Judge Simone Luerti scheduled the trial of the four firms, 11 bankers and two former city officials for May 6, Prosecutor Alfredo Robledo said after a hearing in Milan yesterday. The banks allegedly misled the city over swaps that adjusted interest payments on $2.3 billion of bonds sold in 2005.

Prosecutors across Italy are investigating banks as local and national government agencies face potential losses of 2.5 billion euros on derivatives, lawyers say. The Milan probe may also affect cases as far away as the United States, where securities firms have faced charges for price-fixing and bid-rigging in the sale of derivatives to municipalities, though not for fraud, according to former regulator Christopher "Kit" Taylor.

"This case could have repercussions over here if the trial showed deliberate intent," said Taylor, a former executive director of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, the national regulator of the municipal-bond market. "What happened in Europe was the continuation of a pattern in the US."

JPMorgan is "vigorously" defending its position against the charges, the New York-based firm said in a statement. "The employees involved in the transactions acted with the highest degree of professionalism and entirely appropriately."

UBS and "its exponents are confident that they will be able to demonstrate, in the course of the trial, that no criminal plot was conceived," the Zurich-based bank said in a separate statement.


Are Animal "raids and seizures" just big publicity campaign to get more money ? "Racketeering" "Money Laundering" over Animal Rights in Montana?

I hear so many stories of FEMA money pushed on the Local Food Pantry, and other stories of the more the money is needed or the Commissioners of a certain county, or other public officers in power ... the more need they show, the more money they get.

So many Crimes Not Prosecuted, yet money seems to be plentiful for some things... such as can't get a Kid out of a Meth House in Libby Montana no matter who you call or what you prove, but they come and take animals from someone saying they have too many. Can't prosecute for Child Porn, or Other PROVEN crimes but then others .. hmmm.. magically Action is Taken.

Why? What differentiates which Crime or Alleged Crime is worth prosecuting and which is worth ignoring? My Guess is the Deciding factor is the Amount of Money that Counties Law Enforcement, Commissioners, Sheriff, or Judicial Infrastructure is getting to "Let Em' Go" or to "Go Get Em" ... plea bargain pay offs are said to be $5000 to $25,000 in the State of Montana... so if that is True then there is a Good Reason to "Let Em Go"... now if Animal Rights Activists, or Government programs funnel in Money to Protect animals ... well that would be a reason to "go get em" oh unless they are an informant or have something on someone in high places in that particular county..

I do Know without a Doubt in the State of Montana JUSTICE is NOT based on Fact, on Truth, but more so on what the Judge, the Attorney, the Sheriff, or the Names involved have to Gain or Lose... I have seen tons of proof presented to Montana Judges.. not just the Horror of the WR Grace Trial, but also big resorts stomping on the Rights of Montanans and many other Crimes in Montana where the Criminal is Given the Royal Treatment by Judges, a Sheriff, an Attorney, a Justice of the Peace, a Clerk, and other names and games in that particular town or county. ... and the Victim, the REAL Victim of a REAL Montana Crime with Proof in hand is... Shut Up, Set Up, Jailed, Ignored, Beaten, Words and Facts Twisted, pressed with charges of sound polution or ANY thing they can thing of to discredit them before their court date.. or the most common put through Economic Terror.

I have been hearing this stuff all over the State of Montana.. Time to Speak up Folks, email me at and write on our Montana News to Me network and get your Real Montana News Heard.. Expose Corruption.. USE your VOICE.. if they threaten to kill you for it.. record it .. post it.. I am sorry but Enough is a Enough.. Live Free or Die is not sounding like a bad State Motto to me.. to bad New Hamshire already has it...

I am not a Conspiracy Theorist as many like to call me, I am simply one woman given voice to the masses through Internet Marketing, through Online Media... and The Truth Remains to Be the Truth... no Matter Who believes it..

Animal Rights Money Laundeering in Montana ?

Well recent stories brought to my attention is looking like many of these "Animal Raids" are staged to create a HUGE money laundering scheme... that is what I am hearing and well I sure believe it.. as I know people who tried to save starving and abused horses for years in Lincoln County Montana, and many around the state of Montana trying to defend and protect animals that Really are being Cruelly Treated AND Nothing is done - Either the Judicial Process wants to protect the Animal Owner

I have some pretty sick stories sent to me of Animal abuse, one was a young woman molested by her step father and years went by, to get to her he abused and eventually killed the dog.. the Lincoln County Authorities did nothing when the "Victim" ( who in Montana is Not Victim until the Courts say they are) WELL authorities did not listen... that woman emailed me last summer... and these cases whether a group of horse or one dog, OR cases of Domestic Violence where the Horse or Dog are left behind and the Spouse left with them retaliates on the animal, NOTHING is done to aid the "Victim" in removing those animals.

Then all the sudden out of no where there is an "Animal Rights" raid? What?

Dogs beaten to death, horses starved and abused ... Horrible Crimes against Animals and NOTHING, no Prosecution even when it is Proved to have happened and who did it.. then out of the blue one particular place is raided... yes great if the TRUTH is the animals are not being cared for and should not be there... but if the TRUTH is corruption, cover ups, set ups or funding that goes in the wrong pockets... well then Time to Expose That one.. So if you have any inside stories on the "Money Laundering" that comes from these Animal Raids, or in Corruption over Animal Rights, where by the Animals in Need don't really get the help the MONEY was for.. well email your story to me at


Now all Good Racketeering Plans need a willing to be bought off judge, so a really good structure to pull this off would be Government Agent working with animal rights groups, a FEMA connection, a County Attorney Who will Aid and Abet and many other behind the scene workers who will do what they are told out of Fear of Economic Terrorism...

This seems to be something that is Happening in Montana Counties and I am sure in Many Counties across the land... I believe it as I get stories of CPS involved in the same Money Laundering schemes with Children's Rights and Teen Rights. So if you know of an Animal Rights Scheme in Montana email your Proof, Documents, Videos and let's get you heard...


If only the Money for "Animal Causes" really went to animals.. just like the WR Grace money... well that Grant and "in Money" does not get to the victims, they suffer and die painful deaths... while the Politicians and those in Political Control of that particular county well they create diversions to suck up the money..

So yes there are Great Programs out there to Get money to these kinds of issues but the Political Infrastructure sucks it up like a desert needing water.. and no one can STOP the Corruption at the District Court Level.. not the Montana Attorney General, not the Governor, not the President.. .NO ONE.. they send it back to be dealt with at the District Court Corruption Level..

Montana Human Society
Montana Animal Rights

Here are some words sent in from a Reader on this Topic..

"" ... We have been trying to identify money laundering by public officials and the animal activists groups. I know their alliances are making it possible for them to write million dollar checks in order to buy up water way rights from all the rest of us Montanans. I also believe they have a symbiotic connection with law officials as well.

I believe all these animal "raids and seizures" are just big publicity campaigns so they can get more money from the public domain. I also believe it is a way to get around the due process of the law and equal protection under the laws.

These animal activists have the media tied up so they put out these horrific drama stories that are not factual in order to steal people's animal rights away as they lobby to take more animal rights away because they have all the money to do so.

If you read their play book it talks about banging on Judge's desks until you get the ruling you want from them. Or it talks about giving "grant" money in order to have paid witnesses, paid law enforcement, paid Judges ect. ect. ect in other words they are able to pay for whatever outcome they want at the common citizen's expense.

Follow the "money trail" in order to prove this is in actuality what is going on? ( sidenote: email me at with your Proof so we can post it on our Montana News by the People for the People Network)

They are using tax exempt charitable donations so they do not have to account as to how this is really being spent. I believe they create animal causes as a front to have the money end up in their pocket without the animal seeing one single cent of the money nor is it about helping animals in anyway. Therefore, it is actually causing all the animals' demise.

.. I believe it is the racket that is in place for people and animals. ... time identify, prove and eventually expose this racket (email Me ) ""

If you Speak Out against Crimes in Montana you are "starved down", face set ups and Economic Terror so most Remain Silent. the Citizens in Montana are tortured by this in many counties and when they Speak up the Are Silenced one way or the other...

No One Can Hold Montana Courts Accountable. It seems Painfully Obvious to Me that Montana is a State with no victims rights, no real due process, the Truth is Irrelevent in Court, and when citizens stand up to Expose Montana Corruption.. they are Simply Dismissed, Discredited and their lives changed forever, their world turned upside down ALL because they TOLD THE TRUTH and Exposed the Crime - Exposed the Corruption.. and this in the Name of living in a Free Country.. your Tax Dollars pay for you to live in Terror or Your District Court System and by No Means is Lincoln County the Only County.. it seems to be a "Standard of Practice" boy does Crime pay and pay and pay.. depends on who ya know..


"' The position they have me in now is "starving me down" and they even told me that would be their ploy that if the law cannot get me they will starve me out and they have pretty well done that. I have tried to go back and fight this in the court pro se but I am at a dead end...I want to file a RICO claim against them all but the Judges keep throwing it out stating it is "frivolous". Then the complaint becomes time barred by the statute of limitations so you cannot bring it up at a later time.

I'll tell you the attorneys of this country have created a play ground for themselves with the judicial system and talk about a corrupt racket!! ""

Does Anyone have any information on Cascade County Officials receiving money in the way of grants or in any way to prosecute Pam Polejewski .. if so email me

"" My case scenario happened in Great Falls, MT. where I was born and raised to have me treated like I was a criminal...

Kevin Martin of Libby Video went to Great Falls to interview a supporter for me who was suppose to be the State's witness against me but became a staunch advocate for me.

He probably saved my life! They have thrown me in to jail cells full of feces and called me names and have done about every mean trick in the book and are still trying to arrest me . '"


When you get in the way of Montana RACKETEERING, you had better be ready to face the worst of it.. the TRUTH is NOT taken to kindly in Montana Courts and the Montana County Officials who get this money will do just about anything to Keep that money coming in and to Keep a lid on the Corruption of it all. The Montana Attorney General, Montana Supreme Court, Montana Governor and other Politicians they are not listening to these victims and instead supporting the Criminals, the Money Laundering.. probably out of fear that they will get caught in something there selves.. or they just don't believe stories like this when They are the Real News in Montana, they are the Real TRUTH and they are Beaten, Shut up, Discredited and harassed and for No Legal - Lawfull Reason..

Got a Tip on Any of this?
email Me at
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger....