Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Crystal Cox victory

In a case now pending in Portland US District Court, Crystal Cox has defined blogging.  Literally.

The US District Court found blogs to be protected opinion, protected under Amendment 1 of the US Constitution.  No matter how many facts, or even criminal allegations, blogs are a public forum to pass opinion that is uniquely protected.

As the worldwide print media are actually committing crime (phone hacking, more), the investigative bloggers like Crystal Cox are filling the void of news and information for the public to view.  It is up to the public if the information provided is accurate or factual.

We started Lee Enterprises to expose a print media monopoly in Montana
read more:

One thing is for sure, since we take on some pretty heavy hitters in corporo-governmental role, we speak the truth, as we know it, and find information online which tend to be credible.  Our network offers an ability to correct information, or post comment to the blogs, in most cases.

NIH Noise Fraud--Hamilton Montana

Crystal takes on quite a heavy load, attempting to bring more balance to our world.  Similarly, I am exposing the Montana Justice System from city beat cop to chief justice of the Montana Supreme Court.  We both support the occupation movement which is capturing our world that has polarized the 1% from the 99% throughout our planet.

Big corporations, big governments have forgotten who put them in office, or allowed them to make uninhibited profits.  We speak the truth of the people, we hold no grudge, other than not forgetting the damage done to our respective lives: our professions, our reputations merely for exposing the worst justice system in the United States: Montana.

Our congressmen (all three) have ignored the voice of the people.  We then tried the US President in 2009 which have been viewed by millions of people.  In the letter, we rhetorically asked if Montana was to be the new template for all US States.  We got no answer.

[unless you count Anonymous--with email hacking to millions]

The 2009 Montana US President Letter

We asked if Ryan Oster, Chief of Hamilton Montana Police went to the FBI academy due to covering up a hit and run accident in September 2007 was there to teach or to learn....we got no answer.

sokul photo

Chief Ryan Oster Covered up this hit an run accident involving a City Councilman

Then Ryan Oster UNLAWFULLY entered a Residence
October 4, 2011

This video is translated into 9 languages.

Crystal Cox is being targeted by online predators, as are other contributors to this network.  When we sought lawful protection to this #3 priority of the FBI (and ignored) we were roadblocked, and we were harassed by Ryan Oster's police in Hamilton, MT and Sheriff Deputies from Ravalli County MT.

Crystal Cox at the Clerk of Court 21st District Court
Hamilton Montana (USA?)
note: clerk of court verbal abuse to professional film producer.

This blog network, and Crystal Cox specifically have operated under threat, several occasions under credible death threat.  That only happens when you are turd disturbing some very powerful, entrenched corruption.  Montana is chock full of corruption, ranked 48/48 for Justice in the US by the US DOJ in 2007.

Our protected opinion goes beyond our Treasure State boarders, as we are well aware.  We have followers, we have initial interest in our information.  We have blog support for the people on the ground, sleeping on frozen ground to change how our country treats its people.  We use our power of the pen to influence, inform, and help the frame shift in society that the Occupy movement are partaking in more than 100 cities in the United States. 

It is the small victories that are the building blocks for larger ones.  We feel that a decision and order by a US District Judge upholding OUR blog network as protected free speech was pretty big.  Yeah, Anonymous support was pretty big too.  We use our victory for our collective advantage:

Down with corruption, up with the 99%.

If you like what you see, some of the blogs on the Crystal Cox network have tip jars at the top.  While I am not saying you can't read our material without payment, if you have the ability to, and wish to, it would help better serve the readers of the world.  We definitely have paid a price, and will continue to do so to shed light on dark places.  Of course it is merely our protected opinion.

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