Sunday, December 6, 2009

Behind The John Searl Story

"Comments by John Searl about the film and excerpts from the film log. Follow-up dialogue about coming film sequel that will address the topic of the powers that be who not only suppressed the technology, but stole it.

by Bradley Lockerman, BKL FilmsExecutive Producer, Writer, Director, Camera for the The John Searl Story.

Bradley Lockerman in the Scottish Highlands filming scenes for The John Searl Story, released on DVD Jan. 15, 2009.

“It’s marvelous… maybe people will realize that ALL of it is interesting information...” said John Searl.“People are more impressed with lies… than the truth. I can’t (lie) because I’m speaking from the heart… about what I know… and what I do.”
Throughout the making of The John Searl Story there was one distinct, undeniable constant, Searl was telling his truth. I spent several years shooting, logging, collecting and then pouring over the sixty plus hours of raw footage in the edit waiting to find a blink or flinch or a stutter that would indicate he was concocting this portion or that portion of his story. It never came.We were lucky to get permission to enter Saint John’s Hall.
This auditorium is where the Sunday lectures were held in the 1960s. Attended by scientists, the press and the public, crowds numbered up to four hundred persons at times, all listening to Searl explain his “flying disc generator”, and his intention to build a “manned craft”.“The press came… to make mockery,” said Searl. At the end of the ten-hour lecture reporters approached Searl amazed by his continuous delivery.

“They said, we have never seen a man stand there… and talk for ten hours without looking at any papers or references” Searl continued, “And I said, when you talk from the heart… you don’t need papers…”

The anticipation as we approached the locations where Searl had worked or done his research was already high, but that anticipation increased dramatically in Searl himself. Every location was found through Searl’s recognition of the surroundings. “That’s it… stop here,” he said. Then, while walking (and filming) through the field he commented, “I used to have to get permission, to do ‘sort of’ shows (fly the disc!)… they never refused me.”
Searl said. "We used to do our take-offs and landings there (pointing to an open area in the field); the audience would be here." He continued, “The people that say it never happened… they're dreaming! Here’s the very field.”
While standing in one of the fields where John Searl flew his “levity disc”, I was struck by his demeanor. There were moments when he paused, as if he were reliving the events of the past. The look in his eyes was certain as he examined the geography around him. Occasionally he would glance at the sky, as if he were remembering a particular launch or flight path that he and his team had used.

The documentary states: "The Demo 1 would prove that electromagnetic flying discs were not only real, but that they represent the future in power and transportation." In the segment of the documentary in which the above image is shown, Searl's voice is played back from that period, saying: "We feel the time is right to go ahead and carry people."
"One day you'll see a [name of] craft, a lone star in the sky; and within a year, you'll see massive giants coming up into the sky taking 2000 people from New York to London in twenty minutes, or fifteen minutes; from London to Sidney in thirty minutes; and we won't think nothing about it." Then, showing his confidence in the goodness of humanity, he continues: "And I think that this is business; this is really what industry wants: fast movement, cheap price, no noise, and no pollution; and the Levity Disc will give you this." Later in the documentary he states: "From 1963 until about 1978, ...Demo 1 flew 500 times around the world through the use of ham operators."

As he relived the end of the “Demo 1” effort, his pain from the memory was too much. He broke down in tears. This lasted for a considerable time. I thought I should cut the cameras and give him some privacy because his pain was real. But I chose instead to capture it all. Here was a man who chose his life work over his family.
And the memory of that “ripping apart” was flowing out of him.Searl was pleased with the structure of the dream 1 and dream 2 sequence in the film. "It showed the dreams... that's always been difficult to explain" he said. "Now you can see it... from the hopscotch game, to the Law of the Squares, to the SEG". He also liked the Crawley Road location sequence. "This is where it happened" (the first model crashed through the roof and destroyed the house)...
"It was an accident" he said, "and the house is gone!" The police put him in jail for a few nights after that. "They put me in a place where I won't blow holes through roofs and that again..."Searl said he thinks the film will help people understand the difficulties he's had to overcome. "Some people are greedy... once they see it (the SEG) they want to own it" he said. "Greed and ignorance... it's a terrible combination."
Source: and Lots More Information, Comments and Resources
John Searl is Someone you Need to Know About. Learn All you Can. This Technology has been available a VERY long Time and has been kept from YOU. This Technology was Stolen and Enough Is Enough.

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