Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Patent Attorney Was involved - Nothing you Can Do.

Imagine inventing the Holy Grail of Inventions.

Imagine it being worth Trillions of Dollars, you have the investors, you have the invention, you have a Patent Attorney - and then your patent attorney steals your invention, another guy you met 9 months after you invented your invention, well he claims to be the inventor.

Patent Fraud is Committed, Lies are filed with the US patent office and well there you go, NOTHING can be done and no one cares.

So you fight, no one is listening, but the bad guys know your there yammering, so they try and kill you, they get you evicted from your home, and they put the run on you constantly for years.
Sure a Trillion Dollars is alot of Money, and sure there was plenty to go around, but we can't have one of Not So Elite getting the attention and big money off of an invention that will change the way TV, Cell Phones, Marketing, Gaming and the Technology Industry as a whole operates forever. A technology so amazing that the Internet is now a dynamic multi-media part of all of our lives in a way that was not imagined before this technology was invented then Stolen.

A technology that enabled YouTube to be Sold for Billions. This technology is now used among many top technology companies and seems to be controlled by one man, the Patent attorney who you trusted with your propiertary information.

A Story like this can't be True Right?
And surely it could never happen to YOU, Right?

Well Knowledge is Power.

Find Out more at www.IviewIt.TV - scour this site, read documents, watch videos of the courts, learn this story well, because this is the Goliath of Stories of where justice is violated on every level and this story involves all your famous faces of High Finance, Big Money Tech Companies, Politicians and the Elite in Mass.

Stay tuned at www.DeniedPatent.com as we paint you a picture of how this all came about, who the real victims are, how you keep from being the next victim, who the Real Inventors are and how we know. We will show you a timeline of when everyone really met, when business plans came in, taxes were filed right?

The shareholders wrote checks right? Was this to Brian Utley and the Companies that were made up out of thin area to file the Stolen Patents or did the shareholders invest their money in the Real Inventors: Eliot I. Bernstein, James F. Armstrong, Jude Rosario, Jeffrey Friedstein, Zakirul Shirajee, Patti Daniels and Matthew Mink.

Proof on Top of Proof and Still the Real Inventors of the Iviewit Technology get no credit, they are simply left out in the cold on a Trillion Dollar Invention because of Political Clout, HUGE law firms protecting their own, cover ups in the US Patent Office and Cleaners in the US Supreme Court System.

This Stolen Patent Story fights for all who have ever been jailed, murdered, shut down, shut up, had their patent stolen or protype destroyed... this Fight is for you. We deserve to know about things like the Searl Generator and other wonderful - amazing inventions where inventors were jailed, were shut down for years just so that you would not have access to Free Energy.
The IviewIt Technology battle to get justice served is About all of Us, and Well I Say Enough Is Enough.

I say United We Stand behind Eliot Bernstein in getting Justice for the Iviewit Inventors -Eliot I. Bernstein, James F. Armstrong, Jude Rosario, Jeffrey Friedstein, Zakirul Shirajee, Patti Daniels and Matthew Mink. We Stand for the Shareholders and with this we stand for justice for all who have had patents stolen, have been set up and lied about within the justice system to keep the truth hidden.

For all who have had judges serve them life altering InJustice. And for all over centuries who Techology has been stolen and whereby Greed and Controling the "We the People has Won".

Now is Time for the Good To Reign over the Bad.
Time to Step up and Lend your Voice.
Join Us at www.DeniedPatent.ning.com
Where soon there will be Major Discussions,
Tons of Documents, Videos, and Proof that
will in No Way Be able to be Ignored.
the US Justice System May keep ignoring the Rights and the Credit for Invention of
Eliot Bernstein, James F. Armstrong, Jude Rosario, Jeffrey Friedstein, Zakirul Shirajee, Patti Daniels and Matthew Mink. And they may never serve justice and fiduciary obligation to the Shareholders that believed in, invested in Iviewit.
Eliot I. Bernstein, James F. Armstrong, Jude Rosario, Jeffrey Friedstein, Zakirul Shirajee, Patti Daniels and Matthew Mink may get no credit at all, the SBA may be able to do nothing,
the Patent Office may ignore the Truth, the New York Supreme Court may Ignore the Truth,
Condone Corruption, and allow the Violation of Individual Rights.
The Florida Courts May Allow Corruption
and Shareholders may be powerless..
But We the People
We will Know the TRUTH Once and For all and the
Truth about Who Really Invented the Technology
that so many now use. ( We will tell you exactly who is using the invention, who is getting paychecks from the invention, what players and politics is involved) Stay Tuned at http://www.deniedpatent.com/
We the People will Not Deny Credit to
the Real Inventors: Eliot I. Bernstein, James F. Armstrong, Jude Rosario, Jeffrey Friedstein, Zakirul Shirajee, Patti Daniels and Matthew Mink.
WE the People will Stand United and Boycott every Company involved
in this Stolen Technology, we will complain about every judge
and attorney over and over until the truth is Exposed.
We will Expose The Truth
and You Will Know. SO no matter what
the Courts Does, what the Corruption Does,
what the Cover ups allow. Well you will always
be able to find the Truth and Know that you have
no Rights in the United States of America, So you will have to
move overseas and Patent your Trillion Dollar Technology there.
We the People will Stand by Whistleblower Christine Anderson in her Moxy -
Her Honor to Speak the Truth and She will not Stand Alone.
We the People will not hide under our beds
while bad things happen to other people.
We are Watching and this WILL not Go unNoticed.

The US Patent Office, and the Powers that be in your US Justice System - well they May let this injustice go, but It will NOT go quietly and the Truth Will forever be available on Thousands of Blogs. And you will never tell the Patent Attorney in the US about your Inventions Again.
Please Reprint any of these Posts.
Give Us a Link.
Spread this Story
in the Name of Justice For All.
Tell this Story over and over.
Stop the Suppression of the Truth.
Stop Corruption in the US Courts.
Stop Big Banks, Big Money, and the Cartel that Keeps Us Down, keeps us in debt, and keeps control over our quality of life. All of these Players are Connected to the Trillion Dollar Heist of the IviewIt Technology.
If Eliot Bernstein, James F. Armstrong, Jude Rosario, Jeffrey Friedstein, Zakirul Shirajee, Patti Daniels and Matthew Mink lose this battle and some guy they met 9 months after they invented the Iviewit Techology gets credit for his invention, while his patent attorney has the rights to the patents as well as others who betrayed him... well if this Goes Away with NO Justice. Your Next. It can happen to any of you at any time for any reason.
If you Do Not Stand Now with Eliot I. Bernstein, James F. Armstrong, Jude Rosario, Jeffrey Friedstein, Zakirul Shirajee, Patti Daniels and Matthew Mink - and get behind the Iviewit Shareholders and Stand on the Right Side of This then Forever Hold your peace. The players involved in all this are coming for you next. In small ways, in big ways... if not now then When?
All this Proof after Proof. And if the Justice System ignores it, well then the Rumors are True, Laws in the US cannot be enforced, high finance crime is legal, SEC Crimes are Legal, Patent Office Corruption is Legal, "Cleaners" are Legal and well the US will be recognized world wide as the place to easily and seemingly legally steal a Trillion Dollar Technology at anytime.
Stop This.
Enough is Enough.

It is Your Watch Now.

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